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Filter Options for 3.0

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In 3.0 we are introducing filtering of Offline Lists. Here are the proposed filter options, please feel free to give input and suggest additional filters.

  • Attributes
  • Cache Type
  • Container Size
  • Country
  • Date Placed
  • Difficulty
  • Distance
  • DNF
  • Favorites
  • Found
  • GC Code
  • Has Corrected Coordinates
  • Has Images
  • Has Personal Cache Note
  • Has Trackables
  • Is Archived
  • Is Available
  • Is Highlighted
  • Is Ignored
  • Is Premium
  • Logs contain text
  • Long Description
  • Owned
  • Owner Name
  • Personal Cache Note
  • Placed By
  • Short Description
  • State
  • Terrain
  • Title
  • Trackables count


Text filters such as description, title, placed by, etc will have the following options:

  • Begins with
  • Ends with
  • Matches
  • Contains

Numeric filters such as terrain, difficulty etc will have the following options:

  • Is less than
  • Is less than or equal to
  • Is greater than
  • Is greater than or equal to
  • Is equal to
  • Is not equal to
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Container Type = Container Size?

How is date filtering going to be handled? As an example, one might search for a cache in Jan 2001 vs a specific date such as Jan 3 2001. Also, one might look for any cache on Jan 3 regardless of year. Will the filtering support those?

For filtering by distance, will it be current location/coords only or a means of specifying a different reference point?

Is the Found & DNF filter meant if the cacher has found it or not found it vs other cacher logs types?

For consistency, Cachly's screen calls them Photos and not images. 

Is State only US State or throughout geocaching.com does State represent Province or something outside of North America?

Text searches are case insensitive?

For Numeric, not sure if an additional option is "between" which could save adding a 2nd filter of the same type. Eg Terrain between 2.5 & 4.5 vs Terrain >= 2.5 and Terrain <=4.5 . I often ignore T5 caches because by me they are boating/kayak caches.

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5 hours ago, Team DEMP said:

Container Type = Container Size?

Yes, I edited the text.

5 hours ago, Team DEMP said:

How is date filtering going to be handled? As an example, one might search for a cache in Jan 2001 vs a specific date such as Jan 3 2001. Also, one might look for any cache on Jan 3 regardless of year. Will the filtering support those?

This hasn't yet been decided. Will try to make sure to create as many options as possible.

5 hours ago, Team DEMP said:

For filtering by distance, will it be current location/coords only or a means of specifying a different reference point?

No, you will be able to input a coordinate as the "from" point.

5 hours ago, Team DEMP said:

Is the Found & DNF filter meant if the cacher has found it or not found it vs other cacher logs types?


5 hours ago, Team DEMP said:

Is State only US State or throughout geocaching.com does State represent Province or something outside of North America?

From what I have seen this is a US only thing that Groundspeak populates.

5 hours ago, Team DEMP said:

Text searches are case insensitive?


5 hours ago, Team DEMP said:

For Numeric, not sure if an additional option is "between" which could save adding a 2nd filter of the same type. Eg Terrain between 2.5 & 4.5 vs Terrain >= 2.5 and Terrain <=4.5 . I often ignore T5 caches because by me they are boating/kayak caches.

Will do. :)

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A State is a field at geocaching.com for most countries. 

The only place I have seen a list of states available is when one sets up a pocket query at geocaching.com 

It works be a pity if this search was only available for the US 

The list above is awesome. 

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Just a couple of thoughts:

1. This past weekend I had an offline list of several hundred caches around a particular city, but I was only interested in those in the southeasterly direction. So a directional filter (N, NE, E, etc.) would sure be handy sometimes to eliminate some of the clutter.

2. Though probably way too complex to practically consider, I like to look again at caches that I have logged as DNF but have been found since that time and then decide if a return trip is called for. Right now I do that in several steps. First I create a GPX file of all my DNF's in iCaching and export that. Then I import that file into FileMaker Pro and run a script to mark those caches with a found date more recent than my DNF date and export a file of those. Then I import that file to a group/list in Geosphere/Cachly. Pretty tedious, but it works and lets me highlight those I'd like to revisit. There's surely a more efficient way to do this, and I'd sure be open to suggestions since I'm probably missing something!  :)

Thanks for a great app and all the hard work!!! 


Ol' Brudderman (R.I.P.) 

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1 hour ago, brudderman said:


2. Though probably way too complex to practically consider, I like to look again at caches that I have logged as DNF but have been found since that time and then decide if a return trip is called for. Right now I do that in several steps. First I create a GPX file of all my DNF's in iCaching and export that. Then I import that file into FileMaker Pro and run a script to mark those caches with a found date more recent than my DNF date and export a file of those. Then I import that file to a group/list in Geosphere/Cachly. Pretty tedious, but it works and lets me highlight those I'd like to revisit. 

If it were very easy to put a watch on a cache that you DNF from the app, wouldn't that be good enough?

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I do put watches on DNF's of particular interest, but not all of them, and that works well. What I'd like to have is a way to easily highlight all DNF's that have been found by someone else just to make them stand out on the map if I happen to be in a particular area. I could certainly put a watch on every DNF and then manually highlight the ones where someone reports a find. But the nerd in me is always dreaming though.... B)

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Looks like lotsa good stuff on the way in 3.0 -tnx!

I see offline filtering is one of them. Since I use my Garmin 95% of the time, I might not use that feature so much. But one I would use is live filtering by cache type. I was trying to do this today using 2.0 but could  not see how to do it. Yes, I'm PM ;)



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57 minutes ago, Zero Montana said:

But one I would use is live filtering by cache type. I was trying to do this today using 2.0 but could  not see how to do it.

You need to tap the gear icon that is inside of the search field. This will bring up the Search Options screen which will have that option and many others.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like to filter for OM (Owner Maintenance) logs in the past 2 years. 

I'd like to try to filter for maintained caches with active owners. I'm having a difficult time finding caches that are in reasonably good shape, and I think that if I could filter for OM logs, I might have a better chance of getting good cache owners and their cared-for caches. 

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9 minutes ago, Lone R said:

I'd like to filter for OM (Owner Maintenance) logs in the past 2 years. 

I'd like to try to filter for maintained caches with active owners. I'm having a difficult time finding caches that are in reasonably good shape, and I think that if I could filter for OM logs, I might have a better chance of getting good cache owners and their cared-for caches. 

This would require having all those past 2 years of logs saved offline though. Is this what you were planning?

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Just now, Lone R said:

Oh. I didn't understand that part regarding offline logs. I was assuming it would be a filter similar to a PQ filter. Thanks for replying so quickly.

No, we don't have control over that granular level of searching of the geocaching.com database. I think the only one that can do that is project-gc.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Nic,

My workflow is:

- run Pocket queries on geocaching web site.  The only caches I exclude in my PQ's are puzzles.  I have a separate PQ and a separate database for unsolved puzzles

- load the pocket queries into GSAK (I run 10 queries each day), which then load into 5 separate data bases (it's all automated with macros)

- from within GSAK run a check on cache status (disabled & archived are now flagged in the GSAK database)

- run another macro to generate a GPX file in my Cachly dropbox folder.  This macro has all my filtering in it.  I typically filter down to available and no events.  I only put solved puzzles in my main database to prevent heading off into some corn field on private property only to realize it's the placeholder, not the location of the cache

So in a nutshell, I do all my filtering on my exported GPX file in GSAK.  From within Cachly I import a clean ("clean" as in what I want it filtered too) GPX file.  I would probably not use any filtering in Cachly.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
1 hour ago, c-fire said:

Is there any way to filter out certain attributes? I.e. I want to search for small containers but NOT ones with a boat attribute. (I live near a lake and lots of streams and it’s too cold this time of year)

This isn’t possible to do NOT attribute filters with a live search since the API doesn’t support this. However Offline list filtering can do this. 

so if you add caches to an offline list you can apply an attribute filter to it. When choosing the boat attribute keep tapping it until it changes to the not filter.  

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/8/2017 at 12:00 AM, Nic Hubbard said:

--> For filtering by distance, will it be current location/coords only or a means of specifying a different reference point?

No, you will be able to input a coordinate as the "from" point.

Hi there,

exactly for this "distance from" point i was looking today. Not only for offline list filters but would be useful for live view filters, too. Use case for me would be to select all caches of certain kind around 20 km of my home location. Right now I only can realize this functionality with PQs. Will there be a "distance from" option?


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48 minutes ago, Bärenkatapult said:

Will there be a "distance from" option?

Currently it is set to 100 miles. Is that too large of a radius for you? 

If you do a search, Cachly only returns the first 50 (or 100 if you change the Settings) and you tap again to load the next 50. You can easily do this a few times to get the caches you are needing.

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5 minutes ago, Nic Hubbard said:

Currently it is set to 100 miles. Is that too large of a radius for you? 

If you do a search, Cachly only returns the first 50 (or 100 if you change the Settings) and you tap again to load the next 50. You can easily do this a few times to get the caches you are needing.

I am not sure, if you got my point. The reference point for "distance" filter is the current location. I would need to set it to a fixed coordinate (e.g. my home location as stored on geocaching.com), so the reference point does not move, when my current location changes.

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8 minutes ago, Bärenkatapult said:

I am not sure, if you got my point. The reference point for "distance" filter is the current location. I would need to set it to a fixed coordinate (e.g. my home location as stored on geocaching.com), so the reference point does not move, when my current location changes.

Sorry for misunderstanding.

No, I don't think there will be an option to manually set the "distance from" for live search filters. This tool is meant to do quick searching from the current map center, not your current location. You can always move the map to another location and load caches from there.

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25 minutes ago, Nic Hubbard said:

Sorry for misunderstanding.

No, I don't think there will be an option to manually set the "distance from" for live search filters. This tool is meant to do quick searching from the current map center, not your current location. You can always move the map to another location and load caches from there.

Ok got this - fair point. So it would be more a potential feature for offline list filters?

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3 minutes ago, Nic Hubbard said:

Are you meaning to have a filter that would only show caches from a specific center coordinate?

Exactly: the center coordinate would be a "from" field in the distance filter for entering the center coordinate to store it fixed along with the filter. If this is empty, the center coordinate would be the current position (as today).

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