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  2. If this something that you would really use? Widgets just seem gimmicky to me.
  3. Spiff

    Widget iPhone

    This would be a great option. Hope you decide to implement in a future release.
  4. Earlier
  5. There shouldn't be much to it. I would check with Apple Support chat (which you should have with your new watch) and see if they can help with why it wouldn't install.
  6. I cannot get Cachly to install on my Apple Watch 9. I have Family Sharing and have upgraded to premium. I set my watch to mirror my iPhone and almost all apps show. Cachly does not. I’ve asked for help on the FB page. Rich suggested several things but installation hangs up. The attached is what I have after 2 hours. I stopped installing after the first installation hung up. I restarted it and the same happened. The third time Rich said it took a while. I left my phone and came back 2 hours later. It hadn’t installed. I bought this model watch to use with Cachly and I can’t get it to work. Suggestions?
  7. I agree this would be a really nice addition.
  8. Sometimes when I'm travelling and realize I don't have an offline map downloaded that I need, I may not know how the correct map is categorized, or what it's called. I'd like to be able to look on the map and hit a button that means "download the offline map for this location".
  9. Not at this time. Cachly uses a lot of boundary files for various features which can be large.
  10. So glad to hear that it helped you and a Cachly friend!
  11. When we visit multicaches with several waypoints to be visited, it would give a nice overview of which you have done and those that still have to be visited.
  12. Hi, I’m sometimes on very limited wifi/internet, a small app 50 mb is do-anle to update, so my question is; can this app be smaller?
  13. Just to add, I used this feature on a big series and it is a complete game changer. I turned it on for a Cachly-using friend while were out in the field, and we were both blown away. Thank you again :-D
  14. Hello, Bought Cachly yesterday because my mother and father in law use it! I’m jumping back and forth from original geocaching app on iPhone because the favorite points (hearts) on the map. I know I can se it in the list (in Cachly) and the number of meters away, but it’s sooooo much easier to see it on the map. When I explore a city and don’t have unlimited time I just look for the favorite points and aiming for them. Would be really nice to add the small symbols of hearts like geocachings app have, when over 25 hearts it will be displayed. Thanks, kind regards Magnus from Sweden
  15. Yes, that would be the only way to filter them.
  16. No worries thanks Nic, so a workaround would be to save them to an offline list and then I can filter?
  17. There is filtering for highlights in offline lists. For live, those results come from the geocaching.com API, and highlights are only a Cachly feature. It wouldn't really work to filter highlights without being able to do this on the server side which isn't possible.
  18. Could a setting be added to the filters to allow you to filter caches that have been highlighted so only these caches are visible on the map. I tend to highlight a cache when I have found it and then go back to it later on when I get home to log it, so it would be really great if I could filter off the highlighted caches so I can quickly see what ones have been found. I also highlight a different colour for any that are in bad shape etc and need reported.
  19. Nic I cannot express how happy today’s update has made me!! It is utterly brilliant and worth this year’s subscription for the ‘hint in notification’ feature alone. Thank you again for all your continuous development of the brilliant Cachly app :-D
  20. Can the ability to sort the online lists be added with the same options as sorting the offline lists?
  21. Well then I guess sorting the online lists needs to be a feature request then!
  22. You cannot sort Online lists.
  23. Hmmm - I dont even show a sort option for online lists. If I select Online, the ... on the top left is removed and the only option is to create a new online list.
  24. Even if I click date or count on Online list - it never changes.
  25. The sorting of the “Online” lists is the issue. I can sort the “Offline” list by either date, title or count. However non of those option work on the “Oneline” list. The order I see is the latest modified list is at the top and doesn’t change if I chose Title or count. the first two images are the offline list just before and just after i click Title. The last two images are the before and after I click Title.
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