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Team DEMP last won the day on August 11 2024

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About Team DEMP

  • Birthday July 2

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  1. One consideration would be to create a list of caches that Need Maint and select/ display the list as needed. You could add all your own caches to a list and use highlighting for any needs Maint, or just use the list for caches needing maintenance.
  2. Sounds like an issue with Google Maps. It is controlling sharing CarPlay. It works as you want for me running Google Maps, Apple Maps or Waze, the 3 nav apps I have installed. Maybe reboot your phone and try again?
  3. The Geocaching app is functioning the same for me - nothing different. If you are connected to CarPlay and in Cachly launch navigation to any app that supports CarPlay it should just show up on your cars screen.
  4. I don’t believe that is a function of the geocaching app. If you are connected to CarPlay, it should work fine in Cachly. I use it all the time with CarPlay.
  5. The official app seems similar to me but maybe I'm missing your steps. There is a car icon that launches a list of navigation/routing apps and when you select one, it launches that app w/ routing directions, if the app supports routing. Cachly is the same for me once you select the Navigation icon for the cache. There is also a shortcut on the main map screen that if you long press the callout for a selected cache, you have the option to Navigate right from the main map screen without going to the cache first. See the screenshot I will attach.
  6. Hmmm - I dont even show a sort option for online lists. If I select Online, the ... on the top left is removed and the only option is to create a new online list.
  7. Try to go back in again to sort and this time just click Title. Clicking Title again will sort in reverse order. Clicking Date first will sort by date, so go in and just select Title as the sort. Does that work?
  8. Watch the video at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xxxz0qq2ahjs7wpqvlfli/RPReplay_Final1720484948.MP4?rlkey=desgzz9mltmlrwljgjzjiwyls&st=zp4o825j . It takes 3 seconds to add a highlight to the cache you just submitted a Write Note for. Lets round up to 4 seconds. if you need to do this 15 times a day, which is more than the number of challenge caches you logged in any one day based on your stats, that adds up to, drum roll, 1 minute. 1 minute at most during your entire day. Probably 5-10x less than it took to post your last reply, taking shots at me and my suggestion, but nothing personal. Good luck.
  9. Geocaching.com provides this feature. I’m not sure Cachly can as it only accesses the geocaching data when you make a request in the app. At that point you’d see the FTF icon displayed on the map.
  10. I have more than half the number of challenge caches found as you. I’ve been playing for 21 years. Does that help?
  11. A Write Note isn’t a Found so I don’t see why both would mark a cache as Found. It appears you want a visited indicator which is only needed for a cache you want to and’s write a WN log for without logging it as Found? Highlighting sends the best for those few exceptions you might have and there are multiple ways to quickly highlight off a list of live view. Yes it’s another 2 taps but not a burden. I thought of another option… log them all as Found but disable the Send Now toggle. All caches will be marked as found and then you can go back through the pending logs and review/adjust each before sending.
  12. A couple of suggestions/options... 1) I mark challenge caches that I qualify for by updating the coordinates. Qualified challenges show with the corrected coordinates mark and those I don't show without. I log those that have the corrected coords and I leave a Write Note for those I don't. For those that I do qualify, I usually have the Personal Note updated with the text to copy into the log to show I meet the requirements, such as the text from PGC checker. 2) You can use highlighting to temporarily mark caches you visited if you are just looking. for a visual indicator on the map/list in Cachly. Other folks might have other suggestions.
  13. Once a template is inserted, changing the log type will not change the log text, whether it was just the previous template or the template + any additional text you might have typed. You can highlight the templated text and delete it and then from the same data entry screen, tap to bring up the context menu, scroll to the right and select Insert Text Template and select one of your templates to insert. You can also turn off setting the default log type as well as inserting any text automatically and use the above method to insert a specific template based on your situation.
  14. What is the question/need you asked above in your original post on setting coordinates as new waypoints?
  15. I don't use it but I believe Cachly Pro supports Family. On a phone not yet enabled for Pro try going to the ... More screen (bottom right of the main screen) Then Tap into Settings Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Settings screen and there is a Restore Purchases option - tap into that Does the new device now have access?
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