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Everything posted by Team DEMP

  1. Hmmm - I dont even show a sort option for online lists. If I select Online, the ... on the top left is removed and the only option is to create a new online list.
  2. Try to go back in again to sort and this time just click Title. Clicking Title again will sort in reverse order. Clicking Date first will sort by date, so go in and just select Title as the sort. Does that work?
  3. Watch the video at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xxxz0qq2ahjs7wpqvlfli/RPReplay_Final1720484948.MP4?rlkey=desgzz9mltmlrwljgjzjiwyls&st=zp4o825j . It takes 3 seconds to add a highlight to the cache you just submitted a Write Note for. Lets round up to 4 seconds. if you need to do this 15 times a day, which is more than the number of challenge caches you logged in any one day based on your stats, that adds up to, drum roll, 1 minute. 1 minute at most during your entire day. Probably 5-10x less than it took to post your last reply, taking shots at me and my suggestion, but nothing personal. Good luck.
  4. Geocaching.com provides this feature. I’m not sure Cachly can as it only accesses the geocaching data when you make a request in the app. At that point you’d see the FTF icon displayed on the map.
  5. I have more than half the number of challenge caches found as you. I’ve been playing for 21 years. Does that help?
  6. A Write Note isn’t a Found so I don’t see why both would mark a cache as Found. It appears you want a visited indicator which is only needed for a cache you want to and’s write a WN log for without logging it as Found? Highlighting sends the best for those few exceptions you might have and there are multiple ways to quickly highlight off a list of live view. Yes it’s another 2 taps but not a burden. I thought of another option… log them all as Found but disable the Send Now toggle. All caches will be marked as found and then you can go back through the pending logs and review/adjust each before sending.
  7. A couple of suggestions/options... 1) I mark challenge caches that I qualify for by updating the coordinates. Qualified challenges show with the corrected coordinates mark and those I don't show without. I log those that have the corrected coords and I leave a Write Note for those I don't. For those that I do qualify, I usually have the Personal Note updated with the text to copy into the log to show I meet the requirements, such as the text from PGC checker. 2) You can use highlighting to temporarily mark caches you visited if you are just looking. for a visual indicator on the map/list in Cachly. Other folks might have other suggestions.
  8. Once a template is inserted, changing the log type will not change the log text, whether it was just the previous template or the template + any additional text you might have typed. You can highlight the templated text and delete it and then from the same data entry screen, tap to bring up the context menu, scroll to the right and select Insert Text Template and select one of your templates to insert. You can also turn off setting the default log type as well as inserting any text automatically and use the above method to insert a specific template based on your situation.
  9. What is the question/need you asked above in your original post on setting coordinates as new waypoints?
  10. I don't use it but I believe Cachly Pro supports Family. On a phone not yet enabled for Pro try going to the ... More screen (bottom right of the main screen) Then Tap into Settings Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Settings screen and there is a Restore Purchases option - tap into that Does the new device now have access?
  11. For your comment on coordinates, if the coordinates are in a field such as personal note or elsewhere, they will be underlined. If you tap the underlined coordinates you can create a waypoint, set as corrected coords, copy them, navigate to those coordinates, etc. Not sure what you mean by a formula calculator. There are a few apps, some free, that focus solely on "tools" for solving, etc. Check out apps like GC Wizard and others. There are also online sites specific to puzzle solving, etc.
  12. Are you on the Live map? Long press the funnel icon in the top right and that long press toggles filters on/off. Long press so Filtering Off is displayed and the funnel is no longer white. Try to load where you believe there is an AL. Does it display? If so you have some filter option that was preventing it.
  13. I run at a larger size too but maybe 1 less then you, and most things fit fine. If you go to your iPhone (not Cachly) Settings and pull down to search and then enter in Text Size, I run at the setting all the way on the right. That is the largest setting on that screen. if you had gone into the "disabiities" settings and enabled large text there, that would put my text size in the middle of the possible sizes. I suspect that is what your settings are currently enabled. I have no idea if adjusting it down a bit would still be usable for you, even if just while you are using Cachly. Here are some screen shots that show what I referenced above: Cachly log screen with my settings: This is the Text Size setting screen and I have it set all the way to the right: This is the screen after enabling Larger Text in the disabilities option. It puts what was the largest setting in the screen above now in the middle of how large the text could be:
  14. No problem at all. Have a great rest of your weekend.
  15. You can't delete the active map. You need to make a different offline map active or an online map such as Google or Apple and then you should be able to delete any offline map.
  16. I download MO maps and I see the topo/contours in various places such as just south of Jefferson City. If you go to this and zoom in so you see what I show below? I wasn't clear if you also downloaded Washington State and you see the elevations there and just not in your Missouri download?
  17. After you downloaded the base map, did you also download the Extras Contours & Hillshades for the state/region? if not, go back into the maps download area and select North America / United States and under Washington see if there is the download icon for Contour & Hillshades and download that too.
  18. It isn't recommended to use display multiple maps simultaneously as the behavior you reported could occur. This was true even with multiple maps under v7. Is there a specific reason you want multiple maps loaded at the same time?
  19. I’m not the developer. I’m just another Cachly user that finds the product useful and crazy inexpensive for what it provides. You spend more on a liter of fuel to drive to a cache then to get a year of benefits from this product and make it so that the developer can sustain ongoing development. Seems crazy that you don’t pay the small annual fee and move on.
  20. On March 18, this was posted to Facebook, far and away the most active place for discussing Cachly - https://www.facebook.com/share/p/v9i5QJRPvmtyCrRN/?mibextid=K35XfP Betrayed? It is $5!! You didn’t get $5 worth of value since you purchased? I’m not sure where you are located and how things work in your region but I could get a new iphone from my cell carrier if I switched to their service now but I can’t, as an existing customer for 15 years of loyal service paying $200/mo get anything free. $2500/ year * 15 years = $37k paid and I don’t get anything yet someone new that paid them nothing gets a free phone . Hmmmm . The developer worked on this release for 2 years to add all the new features. During those 2 years it cost him tens of thousands of dollars in keeping the maps updated and the fees to allow the downloads you enjoyed. We are talking about $5 as your cost per year to try and help make it less of a burden on the developer who does this for us to have the best app to use in this hobby you probably spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a year. It’s really absurd we are even having this discussion.
  21. “I travel between countries quite frequently” vs $5 . Sounds like a silly discussion to me for a tool that you enjoyed using so it can be properly maintained.
  22. Here's a screenshot of it in action. Long press the coordinates near the top of the page and it will offer the 3 options.
  23. $5 (USD) per year. You spent more of you time telling others you don't want to pay. I'm moving on, but I'd be interested in what application you pick to use that provides the same features and cost less. Let me know.
  24. I guess you don’t pay geocaching HQ every year or your cell carrier so why support the application you use to log the caches for your HQ subscription over your cell carrier subscription .
  25. Team DEMP

    Cachly Pro

    On the main Live screen, tap on the map selection icon near the bottom right of the map. That should display the map selection screen. Tap the top option with the green Pro tag displayed and you should see the subscription screen.
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