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Bolling last won the day on July 22 2019

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  1. That would be a nice enhancement.
  2. It should probably read something like “Offline Lists Backups”.
  3. You can import the GPX files, unfortunately one at a time.
  4. No that is not normal. My backup matches my usage minus the offline maps.
  5. That’s possible. The original source of topo data must not be detailed in that area, especially if the hill were manmade.
  6. I would adjust to say it’s not recommended to select two separate regions simultaneously. If you selected Washington and Oregon for example you might see this behavior a little but not to the extent of Washington and Hawaii.
  7. I’ve never noticed that but I just tried and sure enough when I highlighted on my iPad, Cachly almost immediately crashed on my iPhone.
  8. I’m not the developer either. I do know however the change was not made for profits but for revenue. Running the offline map servers and paying for cloud storage is expensive. The developer either need to have the offline maps pay for themselves or he would likely chose to shut Cachly down. Then you would have no new offline maps either.
  9. Just curios why you want to import a .ggz. Isn't it just a .gpx in a specific format for Garmin? As for importing the database itself, I can't see how that would ever be worth Nic's time to develop. There would be so much to a database that's not imported.
  10. Bolling

    Request failed

    5.2 is not out yet. It will be released on 7/22.
  11. I think this is fixed in V5.2.
  12. This would have to be an offline filter. The API wouldn't provide enough information for this to be live.
  13. Personal notes should sync with geocaching.com. Corrected Coordinates will also sync if marked as a corrected coordinate.
  14. Bolling

    Purge Logs

    In the meantime, if you are a Windows user, you could use GSAK to do this. Export your lists at GPX files and open them in GSAK. Purge the logs and re-import. Of course if you use multiple highlight colors you would lose that if you deleted your lists before import.
  15. That is a logical place to add this option.
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