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    rragan got a reaction from Btwchen in Export to a Bookmark List   
    I do this fairly frequently. Make an empty list. Copy your full list to it. In the copy filter, for example, Has Corrected Coordinates=Yes. In the original, filter Has Corrected Coordinates=No.  Then in the copy, choose action Delete Filtered Caches. In the original list do the same action. You have now split the original list into two, the original with Corrected Coords and a copy without them. 
  2. Like
    rragan got a reaction from ar3 in Friend's logs   
    This is where I draw the line. If I have to go back more than 50 caches to find a friend, the odds of my friend remembering things from that far back are slim. If I'm desperate and have data, I go to the webpage and load all back logs and do a "find" on likely friend names.
  3. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Export to a Bookmark List   
    Features requested here would make this simpler. 
  4. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Reno8 in Personal Notes and corrected coordinates   
    I'd be very happy with just the following:  when I choose to navigate to a cache that has no corrected coordinates but appears to have coordinates in the cache note, pop a dialog asking if I want to establish Corrected coordinates and go to them.  This takes the worst of the pain away of going to the wrong place and searching. 
  5. Like
    rragan reacted to Team DEMP in Google indexing of the wiki   
    Google has done a nice job of indexing the wiki content for anyone that searches without coming to the wiki first. My testing shows Google returning forum hits first (all grouped in the top search result) and then the most relevant Wiki pages. If people search for answers to their questions (a big IF), the effort put into the Wiki should definitely pay off. Nice job all!
  6. Like
    rragan reacted to Nic Hubbard in Corrected Coordinates and Search Origination   
    I do think an FAQ would be a good idea. Thoughts?
  7. Like
    rragan reacted to RubyShoos in Different colour highlights   
    When planning a big trip, I would like to be able to highlight using different colours, for example, blue for oldies, pink for D/T combos, yellow for high favourite points, red for qualified challenges, etc.
    I'd be happy for them all to show up in the same filter {Highlighted: Yes} as the colour would quickly enable me to establish why I had highlighted them.
    In geosphere I used to create different groups for different priority caches (as per the highlight examples above) and then combine them (or not) when I was in the field. Different colour highlights would enable me to create one group with all the caches within it and be able to pick out my priorities along the way, without missing any opportunistic non-priority finds along the way.
    It would really help me with planning big trips with lots of competing caches!
  8. Like
    rragan reacted to ChrisDen in Cache details page   
    Edits completed. 
  9. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Team DEMP in Learning Issues   
    I think your problem is that you copied the search text from someplace like MS Word that uses Smart Quotes. Look carefully at your screenshot and you can see the apostrophe and quote both slant to the left. Compare that with these characters in the cache titles. A smart quote will not match a plain quote. Try using plain quotes and apostrophes when searching. 
  10. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Team DEMP in Learning Issues   
    Section added to the Wiki on how to import a file from your computer to Cachly.
  11. Like
    rragan got a reaction from ChrisDen in Text templates for logs   
    Edits done
  12. Like
    rragan got a reaction from ChrisDen in Text templates for logs   
    I think so. I need to write some more clarifying this.
  13. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Text templates for logs   
    I think so. I need to write some more clarifying this.
  14. Like
    rragan got a reaction from ACME WildCachers in Filtering how to   
    This is not strictly filtering but I'm looking for a clever way to clean up part of an aggregated offline list. The list was formed by copying several lists to a single one. I copied Year 2001 hides, webcams, and Cache Across America all focused on West Virginia. Then looking at the map it became clear that the large cluster of caches at the East side of the state were not in range for this driving trip. That left 3 on the west side of the state. What I would love to be able to do is just put those in the Map Bounds and "Delete Visible Caches". Alas, there is no such function. My solution was to manually add those three to another list, then filter on West Virginia and Delete Filtered Caches and finally copy those three back to the aggregated list. 
    Any other clever way to do this? Maybe highlight those three, filter on West Virginia plus not highlighted and then delete filtered caches. That might have been one step shorter. 
    This is a subtle way to ask for some actions on the current visible caches in offline. Handy ones would be: Delete Visible, highlight visible, remove highlight of visible. 
  15. Like
    rragan reacted to Nic Hubbard in Cachly 4.2 released   
    Cachly 4.2 has been released and includes the following updates:

    • Edit Logs
    • Delete Logs
    • Add Photos to Created Logs
    • Additional legacy cache types added to filters
  16. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Nearly Done?   
    I modified the invitation to edit at the beginning of the Wiki indicating moderation will occur. 
    I'm running low on new material that is needed. Maybe some How To's will come to as they do when using Cachly and I need to do something a bit different or when someone asks me how to do something. What next?
  17. Like
    rragan reacted to ChrisDen in Nearly Done?   
    I am monitoring the FB page and this site to see if there are questions that cannot be answered with a link to the wiki. If not it could indicate an edit is appropriate. 
    Also I am thinking of adding new functions that are in the beta as remarks. This means when the next version is released a quick edit will mean the wiki is up to date. 
  18. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Offline usage   
    Fixed with text plus link. Good catch. 
  19. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Team DEMP in Highlight function   
    I added a number of tips for ways to use highlights to the How To section. I also added some more use case tips for people.
  20. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Bolling in Getting Started with Cachly   
    Also added this to area around log in as it is a perpetual source of confusion.
    "Note: To be clear, you never have an account with Cachly. Instead, you have an account with geocaching.com and you permit Cachly to sign in for you and act on your behalf with them. What you can and cannot do in Cachly is determined by your geocaching.com account (Basic vs. Premium membership)."
  21. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Kyzabra in Start-up - in "Non live" state using saved list   
    Having Cachly recall state and open where you left it would help greatly with this and other continuity issues. 
  22. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Kyzabra in Use coords from log   
    The more general approach is in a feature request kicking around in the list. It is to recognize coordinate patterns in any text (description, logs, personal note) and make "hot" like a link. Pressing it would pop up a menu offering
    - Save location 
    - Set corrected coords to this
    - Copy
    - Add Related Waypoint
  23. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Michael in Filtering how to   
    This is not strictly filtering but I'm looking for a clever way to clean up part of an aggregated offline list. The list was formed by copying several lists to a single one. I copied Year 2001 hides, webcams, and Cache Across America all focused on West Virginia. Then looking at the map it became clear that the large cluster of caches at the East side of the state were not in range for this driving trip. That left 3 on the west side of the state. What I would love to be able to do is just put those in the Map Bounds and "Delete Visible Caches". Alas, there is no such function. My solution was to manually add those three to another list, then filter on West Virginia and Delete Filtered Caches and finally copy those three back to the aggregated list. 
    Any other clever way to do this? Maybe highlight those three, filter on West Virginia plus not highlighted and then delete filtered caches. That might have been one step shorter. 
    This is a subtle way to ask for some actions on the current visible caches in offline. Handy ones would be: Delete Visible, highlight visible, remove highlight of visible. 
  24. Like
    rragan got a reaction from ChrisDen in Wiki reorganized   
    The Wiki reorganization is done. Feel free to dive in and add more material or fix what needs fixing.
    This link will show all existing pages in the wiki. Some are likely orphans and no longer needed. 
  25. Like
    rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Getting Started with Cachly   
    I'll add a note about this. Could also go in the FAQs.
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