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rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Google Street View integration
It is very useful to be able to see Street View of the cache location to get a sense of the location, parking options, etc. Either a built-in integration with Street View or bookmark support as mentioned in a different feature request would suffice. Thanks
rragan got a reaction from barefootguru in Support URL scheme
Minor correction. Testing shows it only works if you omit the question mark before gccode keyword.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Trackables
The current text on trackables is confusing. I looked at one in my inventory which was recently discovered by xnard. The status message says "Last seen with xnard". This made me think somehow it was in her possession. Saying "Last discovered by xnard" would eliminate the confusion.
rragan got a reaction from tonamigon in Support URL scheme
A URL scheme is a way for other apps or just links in a mail to wake up another app and ask it to do something. So I could send you cachly://gccode=GC70 and you could click that and have Cachly open up to the oldest multicache in the world.
Continuing with that line of thought, I have made a feature request to let Cachly users define their own "URL bookmarks" that would let Cachly integrate with other apps or web services. In Geosphere, I have a bookmark I defined that opens the cache location in Google Street View. Super useful.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Enter coordinate yanking
I was using an iPad. I tried it again this morning and it no longer does that. Focus goes to the pin and stays there. Gremlins. I'll keep an eye out for it.
rragan reacted to Nic Hubbard in Cachly 2.1 and map clustering input needed
This is key. It is the amount of caches/pins on the map, and doesn't really matter the map span.
Clustering should solve this, as it can be turned on and off based on what zoom level the user is at, which should solve pretty much all the problems, including memory.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in White text on green background does not work
Coordinates line is especially hard to read with grey text on a grey background. In general, higher contrast is better for an app being used outdoors in sunlight.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in new to cachly - multiple questions
Re opening in app
My behavior opens in Safari with an option to open in Geocaching app. I vaguely recall that if it opens in their app you can tap geocaching.com in the upper right to open in web page. I think the choice is sticky so you may be able to open directly to Safari from emails. This can be handy because if you then tap the GPX file button, you will be offered to open in an app that handles GPX files -- likely to be Cachly for you. Then you can import the single cache to an offline list. Having a list named NewCaches would let you easily grab new publications for later finding.
rragan got a reaction from MrGigabyte in Note pad
Just be careful if you go to edit the notes on a web page. For some reason, the web page limits the total number of characters and truncates any excess when saving. Apps can store much longer notes without any trouble via the API. An extra long note can be viewed on the web but don't try to edit it there or you will lose data.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Note pad
Just be careful if you go to edit the notes on a web page. For some reason, the web page limits the total number of characters and truncates any excess when saving. Apps can store much longer notes without any trouble via the API. An extra long note can be viewed on the web but don't try to edit it there or you will lose data.
rragan got a reaction from assankassa in Landscape orientation support
Please support landscape orientation in addition to the current portrait mode.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Navigate to dropped pin
Thanks. That works fine. I'll make s separate feature request one of these days for standalone user defined waypoints but not now. Low priority for me.
rragan got a reaction from thebruce0 in Recent viewed caches
A list that keeps the last n caches I have looked at the details screen for. Tapping an entry from the list would open that cache (including retrieving it from the API if it is not current). On a mobile device this "return to an earlier state" is very handy.
rragan got a reaction from MrGigabyte in Search by Map window
Capturing this in the feature list as I've suggested it by email and I see others raising it in the Support forum.
This would be a search mode where only caches visible in the map view area are found. I believe the API may limit this to 100 square km so an error is needed if the view area is larger than this. This is super useful to focus searches along a route or to avoid a power trail in the vicinity.
rragan got a reaction from TheGreenTroll in Archived vs disabled
I don't see any visual distinction between an archived cache and a temporarily disabled one. Can you do something to make this more apparent on the map, the callout and the cache details page? Now and then I have to do something with an archived cache and I also keep some track of them as places for a new hide in our cache saturated area.
rragan got a reaction from DarrylW4 in Corrected coordinate entry
Most often my corrected coordinate is not in separate Lat and Long parts. Rather it looks like N37° 23.212' W122° 16.922. That's typically the format Certitude wants for validation and the format it writes to the personal note for you. It is a pain to take the two parts and spin the wheels to enter the value for the two parts. Entering the full form would help a lot
I know this means you would have to parse a coordinate in one of several possible formats but logic to do this need only be written once and there are several places in the app that can then take advantage of that code for other features.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Satellite Views
This is more of an observation than a question. In the past I thought that Geosphere Google Satellite view had better resolution than what Cachly showed (although this could be due to stretching bits and not seeing anything new). Since Google Maps use is broken on Geosphere with iOS 10, this became an incentive to switch to Cachly.
With the new distance scale in both apps I was able to compare quantitatively.
Cachly best resolution
Apple Sat: 100 ft
Apple Flyover: 39 ft
Google Sat: 50 ft
Geosphere best resolution
Apple Sat: 100 ft
Google Sat: 50 ft initially but bit stretch down to 30 ft. This tells me Cachly is showing all the resolution Google sat view has to offer
I had not noticed the Apple Flyover option until I heard you on the Geocache Talk podcast. I am now blown away. It has the best resolution of any satellite view options.
rragan got a reaction from ThePinkTeaspoon in Change pin colors
I would like an option to personalize pin colors. I didn't find a key telling me all of the existing ones but they seem to be mostly different except for Wherigo and Mystery which look pretty similar.
I don't view this as high priority but it might aid those with varying degrees of color blindness. For what it's worth, I have reassigned colors in Geosphere which has 14 choices for 13 cache types (earth is brown so that color is a good cue for an Earthcache to me). I notice also that non-cache waypoints have their own icons to distinguish them like a checkered flag for Final. Something to think about.
rragan got a reaction from TheGreenTroll in Change pin colors
I would like an option to personalize pin colors. I didn't find a key telling me all of the existing ones but they seem to be mostly different except for Wherigo and Mystery which look pretty similar.
I don't view this as high priority but it might aid those with varying degrees of color blindness. For what it's worth, I have reassigned colors in Geosphere which has 14 choices for 13 cache types (earth is brown so that color is a good cue for an Earthcache to me). I notice also that non-cache waypoints have their own icons to distinguish them like a checkered flag for Final. Something to think about.
rragan got a reaction from Bunkshyde in List UI view
There are 2 things missing from the List view that I enjoy in Geosphere. One is the live directional pointer telling me which of the next list entries would be best to seek next since they are in the same direction. Another is the owner/location which is an option. You can see either the owner or the location. Knowing the owner can influence which I choose to do from the list. I typically keep it set to owner because location always shows California, USA which for local search at home never really varies. When traveling or viewing offline lists the location can be more interesting than the CO. Fitting these into the current UI without more vertical real estate, which I would not like, is tricky. I don't need the line with the difficulty, terrain, size headings but I can see how this would help a beginner. Changing these to a D, T, S and putting them on the same line as the rating would free up that space but would risk being somewhat more obscure. The number of trackable's in the cache is mildly interesting but more often than not just shows zero. Removing that or omitting it when zero wouldn't really buy much space though. I don't have an answer for this but maybe you're UI designer can think about it some. The directional arrow would require live display though.
Sent from my iPad -
rragan got a reaction from AnyMules in Corrected coordinate entry
Most often my corrected coordinate is not in separate Lat and Long parts. Rather it looks like N37° 23.212' W122° 16.922. That's typically the format Certitude wants for validation and the format it writes to the personal note for you. It is a pain to take the two parts and spin the wheels to enter the value for the two parts. Entering the full form would help a lot
I know this means you would have to parse a coordinate in one of several possible formats but logic to do this need only be written once and there are several places in the app that can then take advantage of that code for other features.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Bookmark-like support
Exactly. My Geosphere Street View bookmark is defined as:
And sharing a cache link via SMS is
rragan got a reaction from Team DEMP in Losing cookies?
Thank you! I had checked all the Safari options in Settings but did not realize the Private button in the browser was sticky. Setting it to off remedied the problem.
rragan got a reaction from Bunkshyde in Turn GPS On/Off
You can also buy more time by putting the device in Low Power Mode via Battery in Settings. This turns off some things you likely won't miss and will extend your battery time. It auto exits this mode once you charge back to over 80%.
rragan got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Turn GPS On/Off
You can also buy more time by putting the device in Low Power Mode via Battery in Settings. This turns off some things you likely won't miss and will extend your battery time. It auto exits this mode once you charge back to over 80%.