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  1. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Team DEMP in How to use coordinates in Personal Cache Note?   
    I can understand Cachly's desire to not assume/rely on non-standard fields to contain unstructured data that individuals want to be interpreted as structured data, especially when it's specific to a 3rd party site. 
  2. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Please bring back the always-on map scale   
    That is for Xamarin and not for native iOS dev, however that did lead me to this:
    That should allow for always showing it.
    Thanks everyone for bringing this up, will get it fixed.
  3. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Please bring back the always-on map scale   
    It is frustrating that Apple changed it and isn't something that I can force to show on the screen always.
  4. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Log shows ‘Tomorrow’ when found today   
    Thanks for reporting, will look into it.
  5. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Trackables map needs map selection   
    I usually work with offline maps, which means I can only see a single country.
    If I go into the Trackables screen and select View Travels, most of the map is blank, and you have to switch back to Live/Offline screen to change it.
    Would be handy if View Travels map had the same map selection icon in the bottom right as the Live/Offline screens.
  6. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Team DEMP in Best workflow for 5,000 offline caches   
    Yes - 20 requests in 60 seconds with each request covering 50 caches. That means 1000 caches per minute and then it needs to pause 1 minute before it can start the next batch. So with 10,000 caches it would be:
    Min 1 - 1000
    Min 2 - Pause
    Min 3 - 2000
    Min 4 - Pause
    Min 5 - 3000
    Min 6 - Pause
    Min 17 - 9000
    Min 18 - Pause
    Min 19 - 10000
    Min 20 - Pause
    Min 21 - 11000

    Assuming everything goes as planned. 
  7. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Bolling in I’m such a dork   
    API Sataus: http://status.geocaching.com/666339
  8. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Btwchen in White text on green background does not work   
    iOS does have a built in magnifying glass for the screen, which works in every app including Cachly.
  9. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Workaround Access Token Expired   
    Good to see you managed this in 3.1 
  10. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Include "Date-time of last successful cache retrieval"   
    Yes, this is correct.
  11. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Langue de chat in Include "Date-time of last successful cache retrieval"   
    Indeed. Groundspeak keeps an accurate date and time of the (three) last retrievals.
    For instance, on Saturday, if you download the 1st at 8:00am, the 2nd at 10:30am and the 3rd at 11:45am, 
    then you have to wait until Sunday 8am to download one next cache, then you're blocked until 10:30am for the next etc...
  12. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Necro in Prompt before closing Cache Notes   
    Is it worth replacing with:
    an edit button, or automatically switching from 'browse' to 'edit' when you tap — like in Notes, or an undo/revert button Worried the note could be changed accidentally with no way to undo it.
    The first 2 suggestions would also make viewing longer notes easier.
  13. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Offline maps   
    Map generation is done manually by me as it is a long process (4 days) for all the maps that we have. Maps were just generated about 2 weeks ago, except France which was just too large and was crashing my server.
    I hope to do updates about once a month.
  14. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Prompt before closing Cache Notes   
    This will be coming in 3.2 when we have tappable coordinates in notes.
  15. Like
    barefootguru reacted to ChrisDen in Best workflow for 5,000 offline caches   
    I do something similar to what you are suggesting. Combine the PQs. The problem I have with that method is how to identify archived caches so they can be deleted. Takes to long to run an update. 
  16. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Bolling in Best workflow for 5,000 offline caches   
    Ok Nic said it should be the "Date Downloaded" filter. 
    So, import PQs to update caches. Filter on Date Downloaded and set prior to date of PQ import. Then either delete the caches in the filter or update them to confirm they are archived and then filter on archived caches to delete. 
  17. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Filters: UI real estate and amalgamation   
    I feel that it is import information to have in a prominent location. I will look into reducing the size slightly.
  18. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Where does Cache Note come from?   
    Thanks guys.  @Nic I'm always careful with the cloud, and GS slightly more than the others   So I'm wanting a way to backup the Personal Cache Notes I've created — whether they were created within Cachly or on the site.
    I do download PQs from within Cachly, so thanks for confirming that will backup my notes for unfound caches, as they're covered in my existing PQs.
    Sounds like I can't use the builtin My Finds PQ GPX download to backup notes for caches I've found though… I'll have to write my own PQs?
  19. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from ChrisDen in coord.info handlng   
    U might be for that reason, L O I S are easily confused with other letters.
    p.s. Interesting thread here https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topic/341449-3-million/
  20. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Necro in Problems with waypoints   
    V3 is misbehaving for me with waypoints:
    waypoints are duplicated numerous times in offline lists:  first image shows the offline waypoints, 2nd the live. can't delete a waypoint… possibly because it's duplicated:  see 3rd and 4th images. Cachly seems to be overriding my waypoint name if it's corrected now?  Maybe not let the user edit the title, or overwrite the title so it's obvious? Cachly 3.0.1

  21. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Razthe3 in iPad Support   
    In the meantime, vote on this one  
  22. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Team DEMP in DT Loop Filter   
    Nic - Not sure of your GC profile so I used rragan (congrats on find #5000) as that should work for you and look the same for me when I describe it. Regarding this specific thread, I'm not interested in it being handled in Cachly but wanted to explain this. 
    If you go to https://www.geocaching.com/p/default.aspx?guid=744a4c8e-9c58-4e68-bb57-62576570320a&tab=stats#profilepanel you should see rragan's profile & stats. When you view this page, scroll down to the Difficulty / Terrain grid which is 9x9. A goal is to fill the grid out by finding at least 1 of each of the 81 squares that cover every combination of difficulty/terrain ratings. 
    The grid shows the # of caches found in each combination. Completing the "challenge" would show at least 1 cache in each square. "Looping" is finding all 81 x2, x3, x4, etc. If you look at the grid for rragan when I posted this response, you'd see that each square has at least a 2 in it, so he's found all 81 twice. To find all 81 x3, he'd need to log another cache in every square D/T combination that currently shows a 2.

    You can easily see the next "loop" but what was requested in the initial post is to look beyond the next loop and look at ones that are in loop+1 & loop+2. 
  23. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from ChrisDen in GPS not working when phone has No Service   
    Something to keep in mind is the iPhone uses Assisted GPS:  if you have a network connection it can take up to 30 seconds to download satellite data before your location can be calculated.  Without a network connection this maximum increases to 10+ minutes.
  24. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Radius circle on current position marker   
    But the existing caches all have circles, so you just ensure you're outside them?
  25. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Waypoints   
    They just don't show up on geocaching.com. Wish they did!
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