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  1. We are hoping to include CarPlay support in 8.1.
    5 points
  2. Cachly 8 introduced a long press on the map filter to quickly enable/disable the filters. Would be cool/consistent to have this for the log filtering as well.
    3 points
  3. FEATURE REQUEST: Add a small semi-transparent compass to top corner of map screen when navigating to a cache or waypoint. We have discussed this before ... see "Looking4Cache" method - preferably, like L4C, the compass would be user selectable: 1. show or hide 2. small or larger 3. adjust level of transparency
    3 points
  4. Another voice in support of the developer. I paid for the cachly app early on (2017). I paid for map downloads (2019). I received tremendous value in return for those purchases of relatively trivial amounts. I've actually been wondering how Nic can continue his excellent support of this app which I use daily, without additional revenue. So I welcome being able to help via the new subscription. The $15/year pro subscription is a no-brainer in my mind, even though I won't be using some of the included features. The $5/year map subscription is even more of a value. I love what cachly helps me do and want it to continue!
    3 points
  5. ZenGuru

    Support for Apple Carplay

    I wonder if support for Apple Carplay is in the works for Cachly.
    3 points
  6. Nic Hubbard

    DeepL Translator

    Thanks for the suggestion, we will look at add this in a future version.
    2 points
  7. Cachly v.8.0 reminds me of Lieutenant Columbo’s wife I'm really looking forward to 8.0.
    2 points
  8. Cachly already uses OAuth 2.0 in 7.x and we will be adding the PKCE requirement in an upcoming 7.x fix and in 8.0. So, not to worry!
    2 points
  9. Yes, this has been added in our 8.0 version which is in development.
    2 points
  10. IVAPER

    Widget iPhone

    @Nic Hubbard Is good to add a cachly widget with various sizes on front page like as geocaching widget to shows where is neighbors geocaches . thanks
    1 point
  11. Sometimes when I'm travelling and realize I don't have an offline map downloaded that I need, I may not know how the correct map is categorized, or what it's called. I'd like to be able to look on the map and hit a button that means "download the offline map for this location".
    1 point
  12. Just to add, I used this feature on a big series and it is a complete game changer. I turned it on for a Cachly-using friend while were out in the field, and we were both blown away. Thank you again :-D
    1 point
  13. I understand the idea behind adding the option to “Download Cartridge” directly from the whereigo cache details screen navigate button, but is there any way to turn that off? We did an 80+ wherigo geoart today and having to tap the “navigate to cache” button then having to tap it yet again to navigate to the cache (because we had to choose an option) got really annoying after a couple of hours. If it can’t be turned off, there may be a better place to put it than in the Navigate button.
    1 point
  14. Nic Hubbard

    Selectable templates

    Thanks for the suggestion. I agree there is room for improvement!
    1 point
  15. I have made this intentional to not clutter the screen. I think there could be some ways to adding shortcuts without adding additional buttons, but will have it give it some thought.
    1 point
  16. I was cannot tell you how happy this makes me, nor how excited I am! I was on a long trail yesterday and the vast majority of hints were furu/pine, but it would’ve been very helpful to have on ones that weren’t (usually gran/spruce) Thank you
    1 point
  17. I would prefer to see the geocaching icons displayed on the live view over the color coded teardrops. If we could have an option to toggle that in settings, that would be great.
    1 point
  18. I am exploring this idea and will get this added soon.
    1 point
  19. vk7hch

    Selectable templates

    Thanks Nic, that does exactly what I want, the ability to mix and match templates! Bravo Chris
    1 point
  20. In 8.0.3 users who previously purchased offline maps can now download and use pro maps without a subscription. This is a policy change, so if you purchased maps previously, and bought a new maps subscription and are not wanting to continue it, please contact me. Although I would encourage users to support through subscriptions as it greatly helps with server costs and allows continued development.
    1 point
  21. I like to identify caches which fill missing grids or criteria so that I can optimise going after a single cache which fulfils multiple grids. Currently I use GSAK to do this and I score and rank caches so that the highest scoring ones are the most desirable e.g a cache can score a point for the following 1) cache name starts with an alphanumeric character which I have not found 2) CO name starts with an alphanumeric name I have not found 3) Fizzy - cache fills a DT rating I don’t have In my curent loop 4) Jasmer - cache fills a month in my current Jasmer loop 5) Old Cache - If the cache is placed more than 20 years ago 6) Type - Wherigo, Virtual and Webcam (or whatever im feeling like) 7) Favourite- 100 or more favourite points (or whatever I’m feeling like) 8) Attributes - one point for each positive or negative attribute I have not found 9) Placed Date - for a day of the month I haven’t found in the current loop Of course this has some complexity but a cache can score a number of points (I think 5 is the best I’ve seen) and If I’m pressed for time (most of the time) I’ll target the highest scoring caches and I know that they are either interesting in some way or at least helping me fill grids. I think at least it would be nice to search for Fizzy and Jazmer grid fillers based on current or configured loop A really useful feature in Cachly is that I highlight the caches in an offline list exported from GSAK with a different colour representing their score (which I write as a user note in the GPX) this method works well but is quickly out of date once I’ve found a few caches which might in turn lower the ranking score as I now have that DT rating I need for example The feature I can imagine is essentially similar to the filters you can build up on an offline list but with a weight / score added and then an overall filter to only show caches with X score or greater
    1 point
  22. Bolling

    Clues and Formulas

    That would be a nice enhancement.
    1 point
  23. Thanks again, for everything. I really appreciate all you do. It is a sort of rare thing when a developer really addresses players concerns, and I know the community really appreciates it as well.
    1 point
  24. Thank you so much for the speedy response Nic! That seems to have done the job - Documents & Data are down to 4.8 (Offline Maps are 1.3) for an overall size of 5.24. I am hoping to get out this afternoon after work and give it a try in the field and see if it behaves itself (since it was during my usage in the field on Saturday that the strange increasing storage phenomenon occurred).
    1 point
  25. This has been fixed for 8.0.2.
    1 point
  26. No worries. There are some bugs that have arisen that we didn't catch in development, but I am working hard to get these fixed in 8.0.2.
    1 point
  27. I’ve never noticed that but I just tried and sure enough when I highlighted on my iPad, Cachly almost immediately crashed on my iPhone.
    1 point
  28. Hi @BassXX. I am sorry that you feel cheated about the new subscription model. As others said, it was done out of necessity because Cachly was losing money on the great cost of offline maps and the pay once model was not paying for the infrastructure costs. Shoot me off an email at support@cach.ly and we will make it right. Hope you have a good day.
    1 point
  29. On March 18, this was posted to Facebook, far and away the most active place for discussing Cachly - https://www.facebook.com/share/p/v9i5QJRPvmtyCrRN/?mibextid=K35XfP Betrayed? It is $5!! You didn’t get $5 worth of value since you purchased? I’m not sure where you are located and how things work in your region but I could get a new iphone from my cell carrier if I switched to their service now but I can’t, as an existing customer for 15 years of loyal service paying $200/mo get anything free. $2500/ year * 15 years = $37k paid and I don’t get anything yet someone new that paid them nothing gets a free phone . Hmmmm . The developer worked on this release for 2 years to add all the new features. During those 2 years it cost him tens of thousands of dollars in keeping the maps updated and the fees to allow the downloads you enjoyed. We are talking about $5 as your cost per year to try and help make it less of a burden on the developer who does this for us to have the best app to use in this hobby you probably spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a year. It’s really absurd we are even having this discussion.
    1 point
  30. Here's a screenshot of it in action. Long press the coordinates near the top of the page and it will offer the 3 options.
    1 point
  31. GHFB

    Cachly Pro

    Thank you for the answers. I’d already found it after about an hour of going around in circles. It wasn’t very prominent. I couldn’t retract my question due to awaiting registration completion.
    1 point
  32. For Live searching this isn't possible as the geocaching.com API does not support this. For offline lists, we do have this feature! When adding an attribute filter just tap the attribute again to change it to a "not" filter. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  33. I can mark it as SOLVED. I reall don't have any clue, how's it possible, but the original Cachly folder with 2 subfolders Photos and Photos 2 was really deleted. Even though I manually created a Cachly folder and a Photos subfolder, adding a photo to a private note didn't work. Only when I restored the completely mysteriously deleted original folder created by the app and all the files in it in iCloud, adding a photo works again. I'm not a lame when it comes to iCloud and the whole Apple ecosystem as well as the digital world and life, but I really can't explain this in any way. Simply "X-Files." Conclusion: a) problem solved b) thank you for your efforts and willingness to help.
    1 point
  34. MMDE

    iCloud backup

    Ideally, the ability to choose what to back up / sync: all settings offline lists templates filtering templates .... but mainly I'm concerned about the overall backup and synchronization between devices. For example, yesterday I had to uninstall Cachly, I downloaded Offline Lists as a backup, but I forgot about Cachly.sqlite and apart from Offline Lists, I had to set up everything from scratch, even though I have everything on my iPad, which now had a family member with and is about 600 km away from me for about 2-3 weeks, so I re-created all the templates from scratch based on the old logs for the caches that I found in the past. And also the alert settings for approaching a cache.... Actually, both backing up to iCloud and syncing would be best. The fact, as i've red here on forum, that some users don't want synch between devides and so on, it I think is no reason to deprive others of that option. Simply give the choice: Do you want or don't want backup/sync. (as a togle) I don't understand why should we do it again and again manually. I appreciate your work and the app itself is just a dream come true for me as a geocachers. The official app may just be embarrassed because it should look like Cachly, but this really, really bothers me. I'll gladly pay extra for it, even though I bought the app and the premium maps as well.
    1 point
  35. RubyShoos

    Check sum for Multis

    Hi Nick I'm very excited about the prospect of Cachly 8.0 and what it might bring! It sounds like features are set for this update, but even so, I thought I would throw a pretty minor and unimportant feature request out there. A lot of UK multis have a check sum to check the coordinates, so if the newly calculated coordinates were N51 12.918 W000 01.553, the check sum would be 41 (5+1+1+2+9+1+8+1+5+5+3=41) It's a quick and easy calculation, but I don't know how easy it would be to include this feature built in. I've had a think about where it might fit... I always do all my multi workings in the Personal Note, then just click on the resulting coordinates to Set as Corrected Coordinates. Would it be possible to display the Check Sum at or near the top of the list when you click on coordinates stored in this section (above Create Waypoint), either next to, or underneath, the new coordinates. I have included a screenshot of a Personal Note to hopefully explain this better! Anyway, as I say, it's not a biggie, but just thought it would be a nice touch if it's easy enough to code. Thanks, RubyShoos
    1 point
  36. Beardman75

    Comic Sans

    That is awesome. Thanks so much
    1 point
  37. Nic Hubbard

    Comic Sans

    This is fixed for our upcoming 8.0 version. Here is what it looks like:
    1 point
  38. Nic Hubbard

    New version available?

    Really can't say at this point. Hoping to announce a date soon.
    1 point
  39. I could implement this in offline lists but not in live caches as the public API lacks the methods for setting a "isUserCompleted" property on a waypoint. Only the official app has this as they use their own API. Would it be sufficient to you to only be able to check them in an offline list for the time being?
    1 point
  40. Thx, this app is great, and using keywords is very easy, I was able to easily create my templates in less than 2 minutes.
    1 point
  41. The Mapy.cz navigation & maps on the App Store (apple.com) is a free application that offers tourist navigation using paths and trails. Though it has suffix CZ (Czech) it offers maps from all over the world. It would be great if I could have this app among the options to choose from the navigation apps (Waze, Maps,...). The integration could be quite simple using URI with coordinates in it, e.g. https://en.mapy.cz/turisticka?q=45.8829264N%2C122.8394261W.
    1 point
  42. This is a geocaching.com API error which has been reported to them. Hoping it will get fixed soon.
    1 point
  43. Yes. When you are entering a log (or create a text template) you can insert keywords. Just tap the ... button:
    1 point
  44. I’d like to log for my family at once. Maybe similar to Looking4Cache: logging into the app with multiple accounts at the same time, and choosing which ones are “on” by default. The use case: logging for children that have their own accounts but can’t log themselves yet.
    1 point
  45. This is actually a feature of 8.0 where you will be able to tap a download button in Cachly and the Wherigo app will open and then download that cartridge.
    1 point
  46. Nic Hubbard

    Lab caches stages

    Yes, this is possible. We add this to our feature list for consideration.
    1 point
  47. That second forum link is EXACTLY the problem I am having... thank you for sharing this and letting me know it is a Groundspeak issue rather than a Cachly issue!
    1 point
  48. IVAPER

    Widget iPhone

    @Nic Hubbard make this happened
    1 point
  49. tonamigon

    Compass on Maps

    When viewing a Live or Offline list, a mileage indicator is shown. Is there a way to provide a compass, which indicates both bearing and mileage from current location to the cache location? I have attached the screenshots of Looking4cache. This feature is quite useful. Thanks.
    1 point
  50. You can now vote for feature requests. This will help us to know how popular suggested features might be. Please vote!
    1 point
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