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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Do you have a lot of offline caches? I have experienced this as well, and others with a lot of offline caches (10k+) have reported this as well. I have fixed the issue and will be submitted a 3.0.1 version very soon.
  2. This is on our list of features to evaluate for a future version.
  3. And does the process complete successfully?
  4. Looks like you were able to find the post without the password. Shoot. Hope that is fixed now. Email me for the password.
  5. I would likely have to screen scrape the URL which is against the API Terms of Service.
  6. Previously Apple did not allow me to mention geocaching.com. It was some sort of rule that held back the 1.0 release of Cachly initially. I could try again, but not sure if they will allow it.
  7. I just tested this and I wasn't able to reproduce. My found caches correctly updated the non-found caches in the Offline List. How large is your list?
  8. I have created a private forum with the Cachly roadmap. Please email me if you are a beta tester and I will let you know the password.
  9. I could...but I have to decide if things like this will clutter up the menus with a feature that only a few people would use. I will for sure add it to my list to consider.
  10. I would only be able to do that if I loaded full caches and that NM log is one of the last 30 logs.
  11. Thanks everyone. Yeah, as you have seen pretty much all negative reviews do I have to do with Regular users. Great idea about moving the restriction text elsewhere. Will do that for the 3.0.1 update, since Apple doesn't let me change that text unless we submit an update. Here is my idea: - Find Caches Current location, coordinates, search for a location, or GC code. *Basic member restrictions do apply. Some features only show for Premium users. Then at the bottom of the description it has the full disclaimer. Thoughts?
  12. I think that as @Bolling mentioned, putting this kind of thing into the cache note would be best. It might seem tedious, but it is the best place, and also syncs to geocaching.com.
  13. As @rragan mentioned if that background isn't in the description HTML then we aren't able to get it.
  14. You can copy the title from the Additional Information screen.
  15. Do you have an example GC code I can look at?
  16. Strange, never seen them display that small. What username is this for?
  17. Ah, so you mean the actual image not the icon. Let me look into this.
  18. Cachly does display the default trackable image when you are viewing them. Are you meaning somewhere like in Pending Trackable logs? If not, could you post a screenshot?
  19. Unfortunately this isn't something that the geocaching.com API supports, so it isn't possible to do this.
  20. I am looking into ways to include topo lines. It will make the download sizes larger but I do think it would be great to have.
  21. So, you are meaning a saved search that the results might changed, just like a PQ?
  22. 3.0 will be released on June 29th but we do not have a release date for 3.0.1 yet. It would likely be a week or two after the 3.0 release.
  23. This isn't currently possible. Pending logs will be able to be sent in batch in our upcoming 3.0 version, but at the moment trackables cannot. Planning to add this in 3.0.1.
  24. Because offline lists are databases this isn't currently possible. What countries do you live by? We do have large portions of Europe for download.
  25. I have an internal list but I don't share this publicly. I would be happy to create a space where beta testers can discuss the upcoming features and see what I have planned Let me see if i can create a restricted forum for this. Stay tuned.
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