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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Distances from your current location are calculated in the background when you start viewing the list. For a large list like your 33k list it will take a small amount of time for those to get calculated.
  2. Thanks, we will investigate!
  3. As you mentioned, this is what the preview option is there for. Happy to take a look at the cache, do you have a GC code I can test that this this situation?
  4. You said you are sending these as Drafts? Are you saving them as pending logs first then sending using the bulk send option?
  5. Thank you!! Happy to add features that are so appreciated!
  6. This is something that we have on the list, stay tuned!
  7. Cachly supports markdown and putting text between asterisks tells it to make that text italicized.
  8. Does this always happen for you? The reason you are seeing this is that the dot and line are drawn differently. The dot is completely controlled by the map framework. The line we draw ourselves on each location update. So because of this they might slightly be different if you are really zoomed in but should sync back up quickly.
  9. No, this isn't customizable. I just tested and I think it is a pretty good zoom level, not too close or too far. Keeping the same zoom level as current isn't something I would want to do, because if a user is zoomed very very far out it would just nudge the map and not really bring them to their location.
  10. Thanks. This bug will be fixed in 5.0.3.
  11. Does the iOS compass app also have these issues, or just Cachly? If this was added, it would have to be off by default. I know that users would be confused at a change like this. The only thing I dislike about using the GPS "course" reading is that it doesn't work unless you move, so if a user did turn in on they might be confused as to why the compass does not move when they rotate. Anyways, I will add it to our list for consideration. Thanks!
  12. Yes! This is part of the new API so I will get it added.
  13. Did you have some bugs to report or were you just suggesting to other users to record them?
  14. The follow mode in my previous post is a different thing than the compass calibration. What device are you using? Are you using it in a car (which has lots of metal) or have a case with a metal clip that could be affecting the compass?
  15. Thanks for reporting this, we are looking into the issue.
  16. 5.0 is very stable, you are likely reading about a few users who have had issues that we resolved. But, ultimately this is up to you. This process hasn't been changed at all in 4.x or in 5.0. Importing GPX and .zip has always and will always be an option. If you are using the same 4.x version yesterday and today, then it is something that iOS itself is doing, not Cachly, we have no way of remotely disabling this option. I would restart your phone and see if the option returns. You are never forced to update.
  17. Sorry, missed that. Yes, that is possible, but the expire and login flow has been tested. (Obviously something is still happening) I even tested expiring my token and it worked correctly. Sorry about the headache this caused for you, I will look deeper into what could have caused this.
  18. Well I am glad that worked! I am not 100% sure, but there must have been some API calls happening in the background, and maybe there was an issue with your auth token. What device are you using?
  19. Another quick thing to try, have you logged out of Cachly and then back in?
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