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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. If you access history, it will first check your offline lists to see if it contains an offline cache. It that is not found then it will load a live cache.
  2. Is this on the live tab or offline?
  3. There isn't currently a solution to this. I have been working directly with an Apple engineer on the issue, and as mentioned in the above when multiple apps are registering for GPX files is when the bug occurs. He said there is no fix. The one fix I do see in the thread is to allow Cachly to open ANY file type, which I am hesitant to do.
  4. You should already be able to do this, but you do it the opposite way. Open the Files app on your device and browse to your files, then: Long press the file Scroll down on the menu to "share" Then choose "Copy to Cachly" in the menu
  5. No, Cachly does not have an option for this. It is a limit of the geocaching.com API and would be really hard for us to implement this feature. The official app is able to do this since they able to do things differently in their app.
  6. No malfunction at all. It has to do with the new way that iOS 13 shows modal windows and allows them to be pulled down (test by getting to the bottom of the filters screen and continue pulling your finger and you will see the modal window kind of spring down and up when you let go) that is interfering with the touch events of the DT rating sliders.
  7. This is an iOS 13 issue that we are working to fix.
  8. Thanks, have logged this as a bug. Sadly this is a bug that came up because of iOS 13. It will be fixed. Thanks!
  9. You can swipe the map in the map options screen. and it will show the delete option. You can also tap Edit and see the delete indicator next to a map. Tap that to delete.
  10. When you are on the lists screen, tap the ... button next to your offline list, then choose Options. This will give you the various purge options.
  11. Can you please use the work around to zip the GPX files? Apple has broken the GPX import for some users in iOS 13 and sadly we cannot guarantee a fix for everyone.
  12. Thanks, will investigate the bug.
  13. I am on an 11 Pro also and I am not able to replicate the situation. Can you send me the crash files for Cachly by email (make sure to send the files not just copy the text) that way I can use them to debug? support@cach.ly Thanks!
  14. Thank you, I will use those steps to try and replicate.
  15. This is just the normal iOS watchdog process that will kill apps in the background if other apps in the foreground are needing the resources.
  16. Thanks! Will get this fixed.
  17. Just an update. This will be fixed in 5.2.10.
  18. No, this has not yet been fixed yet. Will do so soon.
  19. The 5.2.9 update has been released. Can you give it a try?
  20. Have you looked at the text templates feature? This would be very helpful for you as you can create default text for various log types that will be auto-inserted into your logs so you don't have to write the same text each time. As for apply text AFTER pending logs have been created, I don't have plans for this.
  21. There will be a 5.2.9 update today with a small fix to see if this solves the issue.
  22. Can you check and see if there are crash logs available? http://www.cach.ly/support/index.php?/topic/1078-sending-crash-logs/ If you find some, please send those to support@cach.ly so I can take a look. What version of Cachly are you using?
  23. We will be making sure the dialog remembers your last election. So when you do it a second time it will remember. As for images there is an option for that in Settings. Hope that helps!
  24. This is a known bug and has been reported to geocaching.com. The screen you are having issues on is on the geocaching.com site, so we aren't able to fix the issue ourselves.
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