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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. This is not currently a planned feature.
  2. This would be a pretty large feature and isn't something currently planned.
  3. Instead, just choose the Duplicate option, then on the new screen set as Corrected Coordinates.
  4. I would need some more information such as which map you are using and a more in-depth explanation with screenshots of what you mean.
  5. Please take a screen video if you can as I am not 100% sure what the issue here is.
  6. Yes, view the offline list. Then tap the ... button and choose "Add to List". Choose the caches you want then at the top switch to "Online" where you can save the caches to an already created list or create a new one.
  7. You can either save them to an Online list which is saved to geocaching.com and can be accessed on both devices. Or, you can export a GPX and import that into your iPad.
  8. Were you meaning integrate with Project GC to include their checker in Cachly?
  9. Move would move caches from one list to another, just like moving files from one folder to another on a computer. Merge will do the same thing but remove the offline list that the caches were moved from. This is done by tapping the ... then choosing Sort. This will allow you to drag the lists in a different order or use the sorting options.
  10. Hmm, this sounds like a harder one to test. Will dig into it.
  11. Yes, still on my list to update.
  12. This is expected behavior. Lab caches do not have a difficulty, so when you apply a filter like that, it excludes labs.
  13. This means there are more cacehs to load. If you don't move the map, and continue to tap that button, it will load more and more caches from your initial search.
  14. Yes, it looks like this is affecting offine maps. Working on a fix.
  15. Thanks, will work to regenerate this map.
  16. We don't have an updated page at the moment. Do you have a screenshot of what you are wondering about?
  17. Please see our help article about this: https://help.cachly.com/article/34-why-dont-i-see-all-of-my-geocaching-com-friends-in-cachly
  18. I have considered some options like this, but currently the focus is to use the watch complications as a launcher for the watch app.
  19. Can you send an email to support@cach.ly with the GPX file so that I can look it over? Thank you!
  20. Thanks for the suggestion!
  21. In your specific case, I am not sure. Offline maps are the only thing that would take up that amount of space. The last resport is to delete Cachly and install again, making sure to backup your offline lists.
  22. iOS might not updated the usaged without a restart. I would restart your phone then check again.
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