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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Yes, people do. Performance will be completely different in 3.0. We have tested an offline list with over 50k caches with decent performance. I can't really give a release date for 3.0 as I would just be making it up. It is a process. Hoping to have it done this month.
  2. Yes, this is for sure something I will do. Just need to do it in a way to retain performance. Sorting a list of 20,000 caches every 10 seconds could take up a lot of processor...will work on this.
  3. Not yet, haven't had a chance to look into this one. Will soon.
  4. This would be a great feature, but it would take a great deal of development to achieve this. I think a simple solution would be to show the user an alert the first time they download an offline list letting them know they can download offline maps. They will let them know of this possibility and would hope they will remember it for the future.
  5. Just so I know the reasoning behind changes like this, can you help me know how a lower number is helpful in your case?
  6. I mean. In Apple Maps, if you tap the current location button twice or three times to turn on one of the follow modes, then move the map, it reverts and takes you out of those modes automatically. If you go to the More tab, then Settings you will see an option "Allow Compass Calibration".
  7. Correct, it would not. I could build it in a way that if there is log, it will show the dots in the callout, if not, it won't. Will bump this up in priority.
  8. This is something that we have on our list to do. It would be an easy thing to design, the only issue is that in order to get those 5 logs we have to retrieve "Full" caches. So each time we load caches on the map, it would use up 50 full caches, of which you only have 6000 per day. This seems like a lot, but some users will use them all. And Regular users only get 3 per day. So, it would need to be a settings option with the user knowing what the consequence might be of using that feature.
  9. Just to confirm, are your maps loading slow (online maps?) or loading of caches?
  10. This is something that we are addressing in our 3.0 update.
  11. I will make sure to add the UTM format to our 3.0 version of Cachly.
  12. Here is what Groundspeak said about this:
  13. This issue is fixed in our upcoming 3.0 version.
  14. This is in the App Store version as well. Are you able to use the decimal format for your GPS?
  15. The geocaching.com servers have been particularly slow for this, and I am not sure why...it is frustrating.
  16. Sadly this is a limitation of the geocaching.com API. Caches are loading from thier original location, so the results returned don't take the corrected coordinate location into account if it is outside of the search range.
  17. This is loading Live caches? Are you using some search options? Is this on wifi or LTE? In testing it seems very fast for me. If there is an issue this would be coming from the geocaching.com servers since we use their API. Has anyone else had this issue?
  18. So the double logging happened when submitting Pending Logs?
  19. Looking into this. Thanks for the video. Will let you know what I find.
  20. Yes they do. Username has been what was used so if we transitioned over to user ID we would have to figure out a way to update all offline lists and user preferences to use the numerical ID instead of username.
  21. This wasn't necessarily the question here. It was only about offline lists. Cachly won't be supporting multiple logged in accounts like Looking4Cache does.
  22. This is likely because you have the "fit to map" option on along with "Automatic Search on Start", since once the pins load it will zoom the map to fit all of the pins. Does this sound about right?
  23. So it worked when you changed that?
  24. That "Save to Dropbox" is actually a feature of iOS and isn't something that we have implemented in Cachly itself, it is just part of the iOS "share sheet". So, because of this I am not quite sure what the issue could be. I did just test it and it works correctly for me. It seems that other drobox users have this same issue happening from a variety of apps: https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Syncing-and-uploads/quot-Couldn-t-Upload-File-No-Internet-connection-or-couldn-t/td-p/64002/page/5 Can you try logging out of the Dropbox app then log back in?
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