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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. There isn't currently a way to do this. Can you explain what you would use this feature for so we can evaluate it?
  2. At this point the username is what is used to gather those from the database. We are looking into changing this in the future.
  3. 1.5 MB sounds like there isn't many caches saved. How many did you have?
  4. Did you change your username? It is tied to your username so that if someone else logs into Cachly that they don't see your offline lists, settings and data.
  5. This wouldn't be a super easy thing to add since the standard map callouts do not support multiple line text. Will look into adding our own callouts like the main map.
  6. This is on our feature list, hoping to add it soon!
  7. We have had this request quite a few times and have it on our list for future development.
  8. Yes, this has been possible in Cachly since iOS 8, or whatever version it was that Apple released that swipe to pop gesture. Is it not working for you?
  9. Finding only FTF's is not a search that can be done through the API or even available. When caches are returned to Cachly through a search we check to see if they don't have a found date, are not archived and are available, and that they are not an event and that they are a Premium user. If these all are true then it is marked as FTF.
  10. This isn't possible with the API as the filtering and tagging of the FTF is done after the data is received in Cachly. You can however use Offline List filtering to show only FTF caches.
  11. Of course there is not! I love hearing suggestions. I actually would still like to hear more about how you see this feature being implemented. I understand what @Team DEMP said about how it works, but I am still not wrapping my head around how you were hoping to have this implemented in Cachly.
  12. Yes, both geocaching.com and the API are down at the moment. You can view http://status.geocaching.com for the status.
  13. Recovery of the Pending Logs is possible if I have the .sqlite file.
  14. Thanks. Yeah, I feel that this is a very specialized type of feature request. We need to include much more widely used features as @Bolling said.
  15. Did you have some Search Options turned on? This is done by tapping the gear icon in the search field.
  16. As mentioned above, somehow during the 3.0.3 update a small number of users had migration issues with the database. The database schema needed an upgrade for the isFTF field, which was a very small change. We never saw this issue in months of testing, so sadly it shows in the public version. Because of this migration failure the geocache records became corrupted. This is why you cannot load your old sql file and why things crash, as Cachly could not load the entire DB file. Again, very sorry about this issue.
  17. Yes, the API only allows a 30 day span for that kind of a search.
  18. You would have to show me a bit more about this. I am not familiar with DT grid.
  19. In an email that has a .zip or .gpx attachment press and hold it, and iOS will show you a new menu for where to import that file to.
  20. No, there isn't a way to trim this currently.
  21. We are very sorry about this issue. For some reason, we are not yet sure why, a very small number of users have had database corruption while upgrading. This is not something that showed up during beta testing over the last few months, so we are still looking into the cause. Again, very sorry about the inconvenience that this has caused.
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