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  1. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in feature request - screen shortcuts   
    I have made this intentional to not clutter the screen. I think there could be some ways to adding shortcuts without adding additional buttons, but will have it give it some thought.
  2. Like
    barefootguru reacted to bloodycool in Can the option to download wherigo cartridge from the navigate to cache button be disabled?   
    I understand the idea behind adding the option to “Download Cartridge” directly from the whereigo cache details screen navigate button, but is there any way to turn that off? We did an 80+ wherigo geoart today and having to tap the “navigate to cache” button then having to tap it yet again to navigate to the cache (because we had to choose an option) got really annoying after a couple of hours. If it can’t be turned off, there may be a better place to put it than in the Navigate button. 
  3. Thanks
    barefootguru got a reaction from Bolling in Allow long press on log filter   
    Cachly 8 introduced a long press on the map filter to quickly enable/disable the filters.
    Would be cool/consistent to have this for the log filtering as well.
  4. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Hodějovice in Allow long press on log filter   
    Cachly 8 introduced a long press on the map filter to quickly enable/disable the filters.
    Would be cool/consistent to have this for the log filtering as well.
  5. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Allow long press on log filter   
    Cachly 8 introduced a long press on the map filter to quickly enable/disable the filters.
    Would be cool/consistent to have this for the log filtering as well.
  6. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Crash when updating highlights on another device   
    This has been fixed for 8.0.2.
  7. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Bolling in Crash when updating highlights on another device   
    I’ve never noticed that but I just tried and sure enough when I highlighted on my iPad, Cachly almost immediately crashed on my iPhone. 
  8. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Having to pay again for the new version?   
    Hi @BassXX. I am sorry that you feel cheated about the new subscription model. As others said, it was done out of necessity because Cachly was losing money on the great cost of offline maps and the pay once model was not paying for the infrastructure costs. 
    Shoot me off an email at support@cach.ly and we will make it right. Hope you have a good day.
  9. Like
    barefootguru reacted to markens in Having to pay again for the new version?   
    Another voice in support of the developer.   I paid for the cachly app early on (2017).  I paid for map downloads (2019).  I received tremendous value in return for those purchases of relatively trivial amounts.  I've actually been wondering how Nic can continue his excellent support of this app which I use daily, without additional revenue.  So I welcome being able to help via the new subscription.  The $15/year pro subscription is a no-brainer in my mind, even though I won't be using some of the included features.  The $5/year map subscription is even more of a value.  I love what cachly helps me do and want it to continue! 
  10. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Team DEMP in Choose from 3 different formats for copying   
    Here's a screenshot of it in action. Long press the coordinates near the top of the page and it will offer the 3 options. 

  11. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from rmus in Cachly on Apple CarPlay   
    Would love to see Cachly support CarPlay.  While I usually tell Cachly to use Apple Maps to navigate, it would be great to also be able to show the Cachly map with caches directly on the car's screen.
    Would be useful when gathering a number of caches in an area, rather than setting up Apple Maps to navigate to each one; and also when there's no cellular reception.
  12. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Team DEMP in What's the 'Backups' under 'Usage'   
    I'm not sure why the one backup listed is 21MB and the Usage is reporting 2GB. It is ok to delete the backups. 
  13. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Download stalls for more than half of my PQs   
    The website just downloads a .zip file. Cachly downloads full cache data.
    In 8.0 downloading the .zip will be an option.
  14. Thanks
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Support for Apple Carplay   
    We are hoping to include CarPlay support in 8.1.
  15. Like
    barefootguru reacted to ivans in New version available?   
    I wish version 8.0 or 8.1 fixed the disappearance of photos from caches saved offline. After updating these caches, the photos disappear and only gray placeholders remain in their places
  16. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Cheryl Neumann in Pictures will not post from uploaded draft logs   
    That second forum link is EXACTLY the problem I am having... thank you for sharing this and letting me know it is a Groundspeak issue rather than a Cachly issue!
  17. Thanks
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Download stalls for more than half of my PQs   
    This is a bug in the geocaching.com API that I am working with them to fix. Sorry for the inconvenience. 
  18. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from ivans in Filter by latitude/longitude   
    There’s some challenges here which are collecting caches found in different degrees of latitude/longitude.  Would be handy if there was a filter to search an offline list for that, e.g. latitude S39 01.xxx, S39 02.xxx (the filter for multis/mysteries should work on the posted coords, not the corrected).
  19. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Filter by latitude/longitude   
    There’s some challenges here which are collecting caches found in different degrees of latitude/longitude.  Would be handy if there was a filter to search an offline list for that, e.g. latitude S39 01.xxx, S39 02.xxx (the filter for multis/mysteries should work on the posted coords, not the corrected).
  20. Confused
    barefootguru reacted to Hamelenser in Download full cache data of more than 50 entries stalls.   
    Very interesting:
    If I split the list in two halves then both halves work.
    Back to my non-working list: I tried removing just one randomly picked entry and it made it work.
    So I thought this randomly picked entry might be suspicios, so I added it to another, previously working list -> It doesn't break it. Still works.
    Once again back to my non-working list: I tried removing another randomly picked entry and it still doesn't work.
    By the way, the results are always repeatable. A particular list that fails always fails no matter when or how often I try t load it. Another particular list that works always works. So it's not just a random glitch which might make me think certain things work while others don't.
    Very strange.
  21. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from ivans in Cachly on Apple CarPlay   
    Would love to see Cachly support CarPlay.  While I usually tell Cachly to use Apple Maps to navigate, it would be great to also be able to show the Cachly map with caches directly on the car's screen.
    Would be useful when gathering a number of caches in an area, rather than setting up Apple Maps to navigate to each one; and also when there's no cellular reception.
  22. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Nic Hubbard in Refreshing just the Personal Note in an offline list doesn’t trigger a database save   
    This has been fixed for our upcoming 8.0 version.
  23. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Searchjaunt in Shortest way to navigate by car   
    Is there way to navigate to a cache by car via a shorter way? I need to select a cache, choose navigate, select the dots and choose an external app in order to navigate to a cache by car. Do I something wrong? I would like to have a one click solution to navigate by car and certainly not choose the app each time since one doesn't change the car navigation app each time (if so, a setting would be fine).
    On top, if parking locations are available for a cache, a prompt asking if I want to navigate to it, would be nice.

  24. Like
    barefootguru reacted to Maattmoo in Cachly on Apple CarPlay   
    just wondering if there would be any possibility for cachly or navigation to a cache to be able to be connected to the Apple CarPlay 
    I asked on Facebook page also and a couple of others like the thought of it too. 
    Would it be at all possible? 
    Thanks in advance for your time and considerations 
  25. Like
    barefootguru got a reaction from Nic Hubbard in Searching caches doesn't always highlight them   
    Clear map on refresh is off.
    Live map issue is inconsistent, but this will sometimes reproduce it.  Seems to be related to searching for a cache which is already on the map.
    have a bunch of caches loaded tap one tap the info box tap the cache code to copy it back out tap somewhere else on the map to dismiss the info box move the map so the just selected cache is off the screen zoom in paste the cache code into the search box and hit search map will stay in current position, cache isn't selected For offline maps, maybe it's working as intended so a feature request?  If I search for a cache code or small number of caches, it would make sense for Cachly to scroll the map to the results.
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