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Everything posted by barefootguru

  1. You're sure you're logging out of geocaching.com from within Cachly? Tap on …More at bottom right of screen, hit the Logout option at top right of screen. Then you can login again.
  2. Thanks for checking, that did solve my issue. And great that Cachly supports regex! A few suggestions for consideration: 1. rename Matches to Regular Expression — I can see people getting pretty confused when they expect a dot to match a dot, etc. 2. add an Exact Match option, which would perform a straight text search like I was trying to do 3. make regular expression searches case insensitive by default
  3. I just tried on a 2nd device: cache 'GC397JN Xeyr cache burada yoxdur' in my offline list has an owner of 'Skindo'. If I set the filter to Owner Text Matches 'skindo' it disappears.
  4. I thought this might be triggered by the usual annoying ¿monthly? re-login that geocaching.com requires, but the device I had to reauthorise 2 days ago just needed the same fix again.
  5. I’m using a filter on an offline list, Owner Text matches ‘skindo’. It picks up a different set of caches from ‘Skindo’. Same outcome for ‘contains’. Please consider a more useful and standard approach of making the search case insensitive. Cachly 5.1.4
  6. I had the same lockout on 1 of my Cachly devices. The Bad request 400 suddenly started popping up for any online functions. Selecting Logout (of geocaching.com), and logging in again fixed it.
  7. Sounds like you struck this bug
  8. It's bugged me before, but couldn't find on the forum from a short search
  9. The View Travels map for a trackable inherits the map type (offline, Apple, etc.) from the Live and Offline screens, but there’s no way to change it. So often when viewing the travels I need to switch back to the other screens, change from offline to Apple Maps for the greater coverage, then switch back to trackables map. Would be helpful, and more consistent, to add the ‘switching maps’ icon to the bottom of the trackables map.
  10. This is the current thread if you can work out the trigger:
  11. And… is there a reason the Save Images setting shouldn't be remembered between imports (I always turn it on)?
  12. Also when creating a new list, Cachly should select it too, to save a needless step.
  13. Yep, but that's what I've always done. Maybe you made them too fast for GS
  14. I'm downloading my usual weekly pocket queries in 4.3.1 & 4.3.2 and receiving 'downloading paused' for 60 seconds once or twice per PQ. Each PQ is around 800 caches. This never appeared in previous versions… is it an intentional change?
  15. I think it’s fine — there’s a large button at the top left for logging the cache, which changes its label depending on the found state. And if you did change it to navigate to the log, you’d then need a relog button somewhere else.
  16. Do you know if there are actually caches hidden near you? e.g. from looking at https://www.geocaching.com/map
  17. That looks identical to exporting pending logs at the mo: (Ignore double spacing, that’s just the forum) Under Pending Logs, tap the … then Export .txt File. (I use this as a temporary backup to iOS Notes)
  18. This sounds like what the newish gc.com drafts are for: upload a draft log from Cachly, edit on gc.com, then submit it.
  19. Hi guys, when you’ve run the My Finds PQ, you can open the e-mail on your iDevice, open the download in Safari, then open that in Cachly. There is a wiki page which says that, but I can’t find it again now. But under the wiki pages ‘How Tos’ and ‘More Tab’, it says this process is more complicated and suggests Dropbox. Will leave someone else to fix, requires more time than I have
  20. I tapped the screen and ‘added’ a few caches to an offline list, making them Wherigo and Lab caches (to stand out). I exported the list over Airdrop to my other device, and imported them to a new offline list. The downloaded Trads and Mystery came over fine, but the other caches types — the added caches — have come across as black pins on the map, and black with a question mark if I tap into them. If I look at Additional Info there’s nothing against Type. The GC code, name, & coords came across fine, just the cache type has gone missing. Cachly 4.2.1 & iOS 11.3.1 on both devices.
  21. Only 3 fields are compulsory when creating your own cache: name, code, and type. I suggest starting the code with something other than GC to keep it seperate.
  22. I meant having a decent default is the way to go, not that Cachly’s isn’t (Yes there’s areas it could be improved)
  23. I’d love to see contour lines, but that can be implemented without themes. In fact themes implies choosing or switching map display — I’d rather have a well-designed default.
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