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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. I will work to make these stand out more in our 3.0 version. Thanks for bringing this up.
  2. The API has three options, Lite, Summary and Full. Summary might be what you are looking for, but I am quite sure it is only a little bit faster if at all. There isn't a way to cherry pick what data to download unfortunately.
  3. I hold no issues with Groundspeak. I think they get a bad wrap a lot of the time. I do think there is room for improvement with how they did the transition to only having the new app.
  4. I have talked with Groundspeak about the possibility of an API that can handle a live map, but at this time they weren't interesting in doing that.
  5. When we do implement this it would be Local Notifications. But this is for sure something I want to get added.
  6. This is a feature that we worked on and tested, but in the end if was a poor user experience because of the limitations of the geocaching.com API. The API limits 30 network requests per 60 seconds. It also limits 50 caches at a time per request. Which means, some users might have no issues, but some users might want to pan around the map looking for caches, and would end up reaching that 30 network requests (some of which likely would already be used up by other API calls). At this point they would have to wait until that 60 seconds is up to load more caches. In our testing of this, it just was not the experience that we wanted. Apps like the official app are able to load 500 caches at a time and put them on the map (even ProjectGC has special APIs to do this). With the API limitations that would take Cachly 100 network requests. Sadly the API just isn't setup to do a live map. I realize that Looking4Cache has this, but I think the user experience when using the live map isn't that great.
  7. You can swipe the row sideways and you will see a Delete option. You said it wouldn't send, was there an error?
  8. I am very aware of what Geosphere provides. It is a great app. We are working to see when we can get this feature added in Cachly. Hopefully soon!
  9. Do you mean sort by distance from your location to the caches?
  10. Sorting defaults to Cache Type. But once you change it, it saves that as the default.
  11. But we have sorting that comes into play. User might have sorted their list.
  12. I very much like the idea behind this as I too have wished I could quickly find a cache in the list that I see on the map. However my only thought it how I also like to scroll through list view and leave it at a certain place, then browse the map and return to list. If it had been scrolled for each cache I tapped I would be really confused as a user. So, I think there would need to be a user setting to turn this on.
  13. Release version has very poor coordinate parsing as it uses an Apple iOS API to lookup locations. In 3.0 we use our own parser. In the release version coordinates in the format 48.123, -120.123 work the best.
  14. Let me know how that goes and if it seems to fix the issue.
  15. We will look into the issue, although it is hard to debug without getting some more debug info from your device.
  16. Any other apps don't seem to have problems with the compass?
  17. What version of Cachly are you using and what device? Are you able to reproduce this issue every time? Or just randomly?
  18. Yes, this the is preferred way of doing it. But I will add the menu option for Live caches as well.
  19. Yes, it would for sure be a user option to turn this on or off. Hoping to add this to an upcoming version.
  20. Those checkmarks are the "found but not logged" checkmarks. Did you at one point submit a Field Note for these and then delete that on geocaching.com? We will be adding a feature to clear these checkmarks.
  21. Yes, this will be a Settings option.
  22. Strange. Sorry about that issue!
  23. This indeed is a bug in Cachly. I have fixed this in 2.1.
  24. Thank you. I will start extensive testing on this very soon.
  25. This is very strange that it would zoom you out to show the full US when you just tap a cache. I have never seen this before. Does this happen on all Offline Lists? What about the Live tab?
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