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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Thanks Frank. This would take significant development, but it is still something that I have on the list to consider.
  2. This is synching the highlight database with the Cachly SQL database. Can you try turning on iCloud? This feature is meant to work with iCloud, and although it does work offline from that there might be unexpected behavior without it.
  3. Thanks. Looks liked you are correct, it is only happening when the note is deleted completely. Appreciate you reporting this, I will get it fixed for 6.0.6.
  4. Are you making sure you wait long enough for Cachly to send the update to geocaching.com? Meaning, if you delete the note, then return to the details screen and update the cache quickly, it is likely that the note had not been updated yet on geocaching.com, so you would get the note before the update. Also, can you let me know why you are quickly updating the cache after clearing the note? It wouldn't require an update to the cache, so just wanted to check if you were needing to do that for another reason.
  5. Are you seeing these issues in both live and offline? Try using the manual sync option. That can sometimes fix some highlighting issues with offline.
  6. In Settings in Cachly you can change how many caches load, and you could set that to 100. In this case it would likely solve your issue, although I still think it is a deeper API issue as it shouldn't be happening.
  7. So, for whatever reason, the API is loading that cache in 51-100, rather than 1-50. I am not sure why, as I can't replicate it on my account. I will let the HQ developers know about the issue.
  8. If you load caches in that area, can you tap the load button a second time (without moving the map) to load more caches in that area? Does it show the cache? In testing, this seemed to show the cache for me, while the first load didn't. It seems to be an API bug, as caches with corrected coordinates should be found at their corrected locations when searching.
  9. In the More tab, can you use the Email Support option and include debug data? This will help me see what API calls Cachly is making.
  10. Thanks, we will for sure consider this!
  11. We haven't seen this issue before, so this is very strange. I am not sure what else to try here. Does this happen with any other caches?
  12. Are you able to find this cache on the map anywhere? Is it perhaps added to your ignore list? Can't think of anything else.
  13. Can you show some screenshots of the cache details screen as well of a screenshot of the cache on the map?
  14. Have you verified by visiting the cache on geocaching.com that it does have corrected coordinates (you shouldn't have to do this normally, but I don't know anything about the GSAK macro)? In Cachly, are you viewing this cache live or in an offline list?
  15. What does the macro do? Upload the corrected coords to geocaching.com? If so, there is no need to add again in Cachly, refreshing that cache will bring the corrected coords from the website. You are adding the corrected coords again in Cachly?
  16. Cachly is built using iOS best practices and standard controls. There isn't a way to add the back button on the bottom of the screen. That being said, do you use the swipe from the left side of the screen to go back? This is a nice fast way to not have to use the back button, and it can be done at the bottom of the screen: https://9to5mac.com/2018/05/25/how-to-go-back-on-iphone/
  17. Cachly does have a lot of debugging built in for crash logs, etc, but nothing to help debug this particular issue. Since it isn't a crash, without plugging your device into my computer I am not sure what else to try unfortunately.
  18. No, currently only one highlight color is allowed.
  19. Nothing has changed in Cachly. I suspect this is an iOS issue. Can you import using another method other than Dropbox?
  20. Thanks, I will consider this. You can export a GPX for use in GSAK. Does that help?
  21. Thanks for the suggestion. Not currently. But, you can view our full 6.0 feature list: https://medium.com/@cachly/cachly-6-0-full-feature-list-ec5830da4280 What specific questions did you have about online/offline lists? State restoration is always on, and something you don't ever really need to "know" is on.
  22. Have you looked into Text Templates? You can use these for trackables and write a log message for a log type that gets automatically inserted into the log. Images aren't something we have planned for that though.
  23. The issue with syncing settings, is that users might prefer different settings on different devices. Other things like pending logs or even offline lists are something we plan to sync in the future, but I don't think Settings is something that makes as much sense. However, things like text templates are something that I think should sync.
  24. There are a few things that sync like highlights and History, but settings don’t currently sync.
  25. Strange, so the issue seems to be fixed for you?
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