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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. There is hesitation to do this. While some power users would find it useful, it could be abused and lead to really poor logs and inflating find counts. So, for now it isn't something we have planned. You can setup log defaults and text templates which would allow you to log quickly and save those to pending logs, then you can upload them in bulk.
  2. No, not currently. Will see about adding this in a future version.
  3. Cachly supports a large number of routing providers. Please see: https://help.cachly.com/article/29-routing-providers Happy to add OsmAndMaps.
  4. Are you meaning to have a filter that would only show caches from a specific center coordinate?
  5. Sorry for misunderstanding. No, I don't think there will be an option to manually set the "distance from" for live search filters. This tool is meant to do quick searching from the current map center, not your current location. You can always move the map to another location and load caches from there.
  6. Thanks for this idea. Will give this some thought about if we can implement this.
  7. Ah, ok, I understand now. No, there isn't a way to sync the PQ currently. I will look into adding an option to clear the list before importing/downloading the PQ again if this helps.
  8. Currently it is set to 100 miles. Is that too large of a radius for you? If you do a search, Cachly only returns the first 50 (or 100 if you change the Settings) and you tap again to load the next 50. You can easily do this a few times to get the caches you are needing.
  9. Nic Hubbard


    Yes, with Premium Offline Maps you can make the text larger if you change the text size in iOS. So, if you change the iOS Setting for text size you will see that reflected in our maps.
  10. If you have already saved the PQ as an offline list, you can use the "Update Caches" option to update the list. Does that help?
  11. Thank you. I can replicate this and will work to fix it.
  12. Ah, I see. No, there isn't currently a quicker way to do this. Sorry about that.
  13. So these caches already have a corrected coordinate set?
  14. This isn’t possible to do NOT attribute filters with a live search since the API doesn’t support this. However Offline list filtering can do this. so if you add caches to an offline list you can apply an attribute filter to it. When choosing the boat attribute keep tapping it until it changes to the not filter.
  15. Thanks, and sorry about this issue. We will continue to investigate. What about newly saved images? Are those saved correctly?
  16. Sounds like it could be a general iOS issue. If you login to icloud.com and view iCloud Drive, can you see the Cachly folder?
  17. In your iCloud Settings for iOS, is Cachly enabled?
  18. Correct, the folder should not disappear. If you login to icloud.com can you see the Cachly folder? Have you looked on geoaching.com to see if your personal note is there?
  19. If this is the case, all caches notes would be saved on geocaching.com. When you load a cache that you had text for, are you not seeing it loading? Can you show me a screenshot? Have you changed your iCloud user, or logged out of iCloud? These would affect seeing the Cachly folder in iCloud Drive.
  20. Nothing should have changed, so want to get to the bottom of this issue. Personal notes are saved on geocaching.com, so you shouldn't have lost anything. Are these caches in offline lists? Are you not seeing the personal notes, or just the images?
  21. You can feel free to email support@cach.ly and we can get you added to our Cachly Patreon Slack channel. Hmm, email me about this. A Cachly t-shirt hasn't been one of the patron benefits, so not sure where it was saying that. Can you email me some more info about where you saw this?
  22. This isn't currently planned as Cachly uses Pending Logs as a way to save logs on device until you are ready to send them. Have you tried this method?
  23. Try deleting that cache from all offline lists, then search for that GC and add it again to the list. Then export and let me know if you still have the issue.
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