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Everything posted by ChrisDen

  1. c:geo does not use the API but scrapes the geocaching website site
  2. I just add a waypoint at the cache location and mark it as corrected coordinates. This generates the radius on the map
  3. I can. Just changing from displaying all caches to not found gives the same issue. The circle without the cache is a Found cache now filtered out. Exiting and coming back in eliminated the empty circles.
  4. Can you save that file to Dropbox and then import to Cachly?
  5. Yep. Working. Not sure why it was not working previously.
  6. If you have looked at the cache detail page and want to go back to the list or map you have to do the thumb stretch to click the left pointing arrow. Would it be possible to just swipe the page to the right to go back?
  7. There was an issue with overwriting the highlight indicator but that was resolved a while ago
  8. I use Project-gc.com. Select the area I am going to and generate a GPX of the caches that cover the gaps. Import to Cachly and highlight them all. Then if you drive passed a highlighted cache you know it us one you need
  9. I agree. Go to Project GC answers see what DT you need and filter the offline list. After filtering, highlight those and then you are good to go
  10. Not sure if this is possible as it will require you to have all your finds stored on Cachly.
  11. Is there a way to trim logs from the offline database. Normally only the latest 3 or 4 are needed to see if there are DNFs or other issues. On some of the caches in my offline lists there are up to 30 logs. Just adding to the database size. I suppose it does not matter if it does not affect the speed of access.
  12. ... and the issue has gone on Cachly and other apps so it was a GHQ issue that they must have resolved.
  13. It is my experience that Cachly will not get a position when there is no map. I was in an area with poor coverage and could not get a position but it was because I was on Google maps which could not load due to the coverage. As soon as I switched to the offline map of the area location worked. Both images above have no map.
  14. You can only set up one text in settings which will apply to all logs. Settings / Log Defaults / Log text
  15. Thanks Nic. Never knew that
  16. Just noticed something strange. I solved a puzzle. In the geochecker were coords for the parking and the trail head. I added the three sets of coords with the puzzle solution as corrected coords. I went into the official app and to my surprise the waypoints appear there as well. I know the corrected coordinates are uploaded but how did the two additional waypoints get there? I even went back into Cachly and gave the waypoint an obscure name. Back into the official app and the name had changed.
  17. Thanks for the select button in settings. Best of both worlds
  18. I have been in Namibia for two weeks with very little service. Not one did I have this issue.
  19. Just for info the deleted PQs appear on the official app as well
  20. I just got a fellow South African cachly user to delete a PQ - it still appears in Cachly after a refresh.
  21. Strange - I have 19 PQ's ready to download including the "My Finds" PQ which does not appear in cachly and I have 25 in cachly. I have refreshed numerous times, even exited cachly and come back in but the 25 are still there. Do groundspeak have any distributed servers? I wonder if we are running off a mirror that does not update regularly. I am on the other side of the globe. I will have to get one of my fellow cachers in South Africa to test.
  22. Not working for me. When you say refresh the PQ do you mean just pulling down the screen when at the PQ list?
  23. I am talking about when I go into the geocaching.com pocket query page and delete the PQ and the related file that is normally available for 7 days. If you delete the file on the second tab (Pocket queries ready for download) it disappears from the list of available files on the web site but does not disappear on cachly or other caching apps.
  24. Why do pocket queries deleted on geocaching.com still appear in the list of available PQs? It appears to be a API problem as I have found this the case in other apps
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