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I’d to have more than one highlight per cache



I use highlights extensively. I love the new ability to rename them. For example, a few of mine are:
orange - solved puzzles 

blue - challenges

purple - lab cache finals

light blue - Earthcache

green - oldies

You get the point. Some caches I’d like to have in more than one group. They are oldies that are solved puzzles. Or some other combination. 
I’d like the ability to assign more than one highlight to a cache. 

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I second having multiple highlights for caches. I highlight all caches of a certain year but then also caches that are a certain size or a field puzzle or night cache.  If a cache meets two of these criteria (Year 07 & Large) I can only have one highlight so it gets whichever one I added most recently and overwrites the original. 2 would be useful.  I only started using this feature within the last year. Prior to that I could never think why I would want to use it.  Now it is something I can't live without and is super useful for tracking down specific caches I want to find while still seeing all unfound caches in the map view.  I look for areas on the map that have a lot of highlighted caches. That's where I want to go caching for the day. :)

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