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BigChiefS4 last won the day on April 13 2021

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  1. I use highlights extensively. I love the new ability to rename them. For example, a few of mine are: orange - solved puzzles blue - challenges purple - lab cache finals light blue - Earthcache green - oldies You get the point. Some caches I’d like to have in more than one group. They are oldies that are solved puzzles. Or some other combination. I’d like the ability to assign more than one highlight to a cache.
  2. I’d like to have a calendar that shows how many finds per day I’ve marked as found in the app. This would help on busy days so I don’t have to count each line one by one.
  3. Well, from what I can tell, if you combine the Distance filter with any other filter, you get completely random results. It's really annoying. No matter how much time I wait, it doesn't change.
  4. Oh for crying out loud. I wanted to see if this affected any other offline lists so I did a simple distance filter on 2 other lists. They worked fine so I went back my Default list and now it's working as expected. This is still rather strange behavior.
  5. When I choose the distance filter, either alone or in conjunction with other filters, I get a random selection of caches. I like to filter out caches more than 50 miles away because I don't need to see them when I'm out caching. The first pic is a filter of highlighted caches. They're either very old or solved puzzles. The second pic is the filters page. The third pic is the result of adding the distance filter to my existing filter of highlighted and unknown caches. I can't figure out why it's showing me these particular caches and not all highlighted unknown caches within 50 miles.
  6. I just wanted to update you - I've been doing some caching while I'm in Houston this week. Wow, the new app is so much faster! This is what I like to see! Oh, and not a single crash, either. I use Google Maps and the zoom level it defaults to when hitting the center button (that centers the map on you), is always way zoomed in. Maybe I missed it somewhere, but can you change that? It would be nice if it kept the current zoom level when it centers the map.
  7. Headache, yes, but ultimately you helped me solve it. Thanks for your quick replies and being patient with me.
  8. I mentioned it in my first post - iPhone XS MAX, iOS 12.1.4, Cachly 5.0.1 (2) Is it possible my token expired between the last time I used 4.x and the new version got installed, causing it to fail somehow?
  9. Seriously!? That's what fixed it (so far)! Such a simple thing, but the app hasn't crashed in the past few minutes, whereas before it would ALWAYS crash within a minute. If this doesn't fix it long-term, I will send you my sqlite db. P.S. Thank you for bringing back Google Maps!! App is also much faster than previous versions.
  10. No, Microsoft keeps changing the default path for local users. There is no Documents and Settings folder on Windows 10. OK, so I did find a C:\ProgramData\Apple (and Apple Computer) folder, but no Logs folder anywhere underneath that.
  11. I can't find the logs on my PC in all the usual locations. I'm running Windows 10. I've looked in C:\Users\carlsocj\AppData\Local C:\Users\carlsocj\AppData\LocalLow C:\Users\carlsocj\AppData\Roaming
  12. I was just looking at that exact page! Gimme a minute...
  13. This didn't make any difference. It opens to the Live screen, then crashes to the home screen after less than a minutes.
  14. OK, fair enough. I didn't know how much SQL you knew (or needed to know). Yes, the app closes back to the home screen, always in less than a minute after opening it. Yes, I have that option turned on in the Analytics. It wasn't turned on when I submitted this ticket yesterday, but I turned it on yesterday.
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