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Remove badge from Cachly icon


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Long time lurker here. I use Cachly every day. As a former Geosphere user, I need an app that fills the void that Geosphere left. So far, with a few tweaks here and there, I've come around to loving Cachly. I have a pretty long streak going, over 2400 days so far. 

One thing that bothers me, though, is the badge on the Cachly icon that represents how many Pending Geocache Logs there are in my list. Quite frankly, this feature is useless and I'd like the option to turn it off. I use that list to keep track of my finds because it shows all my finds IN THE ORDER I FOUND THEM. I do not publish Found It logs from Cachly. I use GSAK for that. I do not care how many finds are in that list (currently there's almost 600 finds in there). I don't need a constant reminder on my iPhone screen how many logs are there.

Can I please have an option to turn that off? I never delete caches from that list because I frequently reference it at a later date (like when someone calls me for a PAF). Another request along those lines is to group finds by date in the Pending list. Sometimes I find 100 caches in a day, sometimes I find 1 or 2. It would be nice to be able to group them by day.

I don't mean to sound negative in my request, so I apologize in advance. I do love Cachly and use it every single day.

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Wow.  That's interesting.  I LOVE the badge icon count.  I use cachly as intended to store cache logs and submit at the end of the trip via cachly.  This is a great way for me to quickly keep track of my trip's find count.    When I'm done with caching for the day, the badge goes away and doesn't bother me at all.

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