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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, will look into this.
  2. Yes, this has been added in our 8.0 version which is in development.
  3. Sounds like something is not synced. Go to Settings > Highlighting and choose the option to manually sync highlights.
  4. This has been fixed in our 8.0 version, due for release in a few months.
  5. This isn't something that we have planned currently, as Cachly is a one user app. I will for sure consider this for a future version.
  6. Strange, I haven't seen any certificate errors. The cert. expiries in April but I will update before then. We have had some mysql issues that caused the the form to be down, could that be what you were seeing?
  7. This has been added to our 8.0 version which will be out early this year.
  8. Happy to explore options for this. As a first test, have you used some of the iOS accessibility options to see if they help with the colors?
  9. Are you importing a GPX into Cachly or using the Pocket Queries feature in Cachly? Using the Pocket Query feature in Cachly should not download images. Importing a GPX with the option turned on will.
  10. Downloading Pocket Queries does not automatically download images. Are you seeing this happening somewhere?
  11. No currently, but I am working on getting these added for all maps.
  12. Yes, you have the "Fit to Map" option turned on in Settings. This is the default. It will always zoom the map to fit all cache pins when they are added. But you can also turn this option off. Your second question, no there is not an option for this.
  13. If you check in the official Adventure Labs app, do you see those stages marked as completed?
  14. AL caches should be filtered out. In the past, did you manually mark AL caches as found by long pressing on them?
  15. Can you share the fix with the other users? Normally this is a Safari issue where a user has chosen to open the URL in the browser instead of the AL app.
  16. I think this is a great idea. Do you have a GC code that has some logs from opted out users?
  17. Cachly is an official partner app, so we use the geocaching.com API to return all caches. Sadly it does not support that search filter, so we can't create this as a feature. Of course we could show only DNF AFTER we get the data, but that would not be a reliable or accurate way to show that data to users.
  18. No, it does not currently. I have played around with this, but don't really have plans to release it for Mac at this time.
  19. Yes, you would use only the Cache Placed dates to create a date range and that will bring up events with that range. Just tested this and it is working great, but let me know if you have any issues.
  20. Ah yes, if the cache already exists then the PQ won't overwrite the offline cache. You would need to update the caches in the offline list.
  21. Thanks, will make sure to look into this!
  22. When you are editing the complication on the watch itself you still don't see Cachly as an option?
  23. Personal Notes are downloaded with Pocket Queries. Are you making sure to use the PQ option in the More tab rather than a GPX file? For images, those need to be updated separately. When viewing an offline list tap the ... then choose Download Cache Images.
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