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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Let me look deeper into our code and see if we are accounting for this. Will get back to you soon.
  2. Login to geocaching.com and you first have to add a cache to "Ignore". Once you do that, it will create an Ignore List for you. Then you can use Cachly to add caches to that list.
  3. Will keep working on this. Looks like Needs Maintenance only works for caches that are owned...
  4. I just posted a Needs Maintenance through the app and it worked: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5TAPN_salmon-love-bridges?guid=2f03a0c6-c892-4f26-a764-3f80bc14047a Are you sure that your "Send as field note" option is not checked?
  5. This should work now. I contacted Groundspeak and it seemed to be an issue with their server. They fixed it and I tested it. Seems to be working now. Let me know if you have any more issues.
  6. I deleted my last post about this, as I had forgotten this was possible. Just add the cache as a bookmark then choose "Ignore List". Then make sure to set your Search Options to not show ignored. Sorry about the mixup!
  7. Strange. Let me look into this when I am back at the office. Will let you know what I find.
  8. I think that this is part of a bug we are working to fix. Had not seen it happen like this, but I appreciate the note!
  9. Great idea! Will add this to our feature list!
  10. You can see some of our major features listed on www.cach.ly, and also by viewing our Help within the app. Most features are very intuitive in Cachly, so just start exploring. I think you will like what you find!
  11. I will get working on this next week.
  12. That sounds like a great idea, I would love to have the geocaching community help spread the word in this way! I do have a presentation from Geowoodstock that I did that could be easily turned into something you could use. Would you be interested in this?
  13. I don't think it is an anomaly after looking into it. If you search for just events in your area it will come up with other archived events. There are also a few archived caches you will see here and there...
  14. Ah ok, I didn't see you mention before that this was an archived cache. Currently Cachly doesn't hide these types of caches. I will add a new search option to hide these in 2.0. Thanks for helping with this!
  15. Cachly provides the following map layers: Apple Maps Google Maps Ordnance Survey (UK) Open Street Map Open Cycle Map Thunder Forest Landscape Thunder Forest Outdoors ARC GIS Satellite ARC GIS Topo Cachly had offline map tile downloads available. But in our upcoming 2.0 version we will be releasing Open Street offline vector maps, which will allow you to download entire states and countries offline in very small file sizes. (WA State is only 58 MB) Yes, you can navigate to a cache using offline maps.
  16. When posting a support question about Cachly please help us by providing the following: Cachly version number iOS version Device that you are using Screen that issue is happening on and if you can replicate it If you are a Regular or Premium user of geocaching.com GC code if your question is about a specific cache
  17. I have seen this happen before, and I am convinced it is a geocaching.com API issue.
  18. Thanks Team DEMP for answering this one!
  19. You can do this viewing the PQ and then tapping the ... button to download those into an offline list. Then with your additional PQ's you can save them into that same offline list. Does this help?
  20. Thanks for trying Cachly! 1. The internal browser issue is something I will fix in the next update. Thanks for pointing that out! 2. For the photos, we don't receive the number of photos until we make a call to that API. So unfortunately this isn't possible. Thanks for these questions, and I will look into that forum issue!
  21. Absolutely. This is what waypoints are for, and you can set it as a Corrected Coordinate so that the map pin will move to the final location if you want. When you are on the cache details screen, tap the ... button and create a new waypoint. Then, just enter in the coordinates, and save it. Then you will be able to see this on the navigation map for that cache and choose to set it as the target for navigation.
  22. Thanks for bringing that to our attention!
  23. I problem is likely that our tile provider only creates level 17 tiles when they are requested. So, often if someone has not downloaded that area before, those higher level zoom tiles will not be available, which I realize is a frustrating problem. We are getting close to releasing OSM vector maps which go to zoom level 21 and will fix this issue.
  24. Two thing you could do to make this easier: First, when tapping on a map pin or seeing a cache in the list view, Multi's will also have an icon with two containers next to each other. Traditions only have one larger container in the icon. Next, you can tap the gear icon on the right side of the search field. This will allow you to remove Multi's from your search, or filter the search in a different way. This way you could remove Multi's altogether if you would like. Does this help?
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