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Nic Hubbard

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Posts posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. 9 hours ago, downy said:

    Unfortunately the link doesn't work anymore...
    Where can you find the map legend now? The many lines of different colors and the many symbols are very confusing.

    We don't have an updated page at the moment. Do you have a screenshot of what you are wondering about?

  2. 3 hours ago, Prerules said:

    I tried that and it didn’t change.

    In your specific case, I am not sure. Offline maps are the only thing that would take up that amount of space. The last resport is to delete Cachly and install again, making sure to backup your offline lists.

  3. 1 hour ago, Prerules said:

    I have Cachly installed on my IOS device and it currently takes up 10GB of space. Is there a way to decrease that? I don't have any offline maps added.

    What does your Usage screen show? Cachly should never take up that much space without offline maps. Maps are the #1 source of large data sizes in Cachly.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Trauerweide said:

    So I'm really confused why this is making problems right now.

    It is a server side bug. So a change that Geocaching HQ made to their API (not sure what) is now triggering the 500 error when full cache data and 100 caches are requested.

  5. 9 hours ago, Trauerweide said:

    I have the same problem for several days but don't wanted to delete and reinstall Cachly yet. The geocaching app is working without problems. Is there anything that I can do to solve the problem without deleting cachly?

    Also, if you turn of live filters, does that solve the issue? If it does, Please make sure to see my above comment about sending debug data, it would really help.

  6. 6 hours ago, Trauerweide said:

    I have the same problem for several days but don't wanted to delete and reinstall Cachly yet. The geocaching app is working without problems. Is there anything that I can do to solve the problem without deleting cachly?

    Hmm, have you tried turning off all filters to see if that helped? Also, can you try the searcha again, then use the option in Cachly to contact support and send us an email. Then make sure to include debug data so we can see the request that is being made.

  7. 54 minutes ago, markens said:

    Wouldn't it be straightforward to apply such a filter locally after the results are returned by the API (which would give the user the same effect)?

    Simple answer is yes, but it would cause some irregularies with how many caches are returned. Would have to educate the user before adding a filter like this.

  8. On 2/26/2022 at 2:06 PM, Beardman75 said:

    When doing a live search, it would be handy if there was an option to exclude past events

    Thanks for the suggestion. The geocaching.com API doesn't currently support this, so we aren't able to add this feature currently.

  9. 19 hours ago, chihuahuajill said:

    I resolved the problem by deleting the Cachly app and reinstalling. I saved all my offline lists as gpx files prior to removing the app because they were deleted along with the app. After reinstalling, everything worked fine and I reimported the gpx files back in to restore my offline lists. 

    Hmm, that is really strange. You should never have to delete Cachly. A 500 error comes from the geocaching.com API.

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