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  1. Last week
  2. Können Sie mir Ihre Cachly.sqlite-Datei senden? Das ist die Datenbankdatei und ich kann sie möglicherweise reparieren oder Ihre ausstehenden Protokolle herausholen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://help-cachly-com.translate.goog/article/49-backup-entire-database?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=de&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Sobald wir diesen Schritt getan haben, können wir herausfinden, wohin wir als nächstes gehen sollen.
  3. „Hallo, Es tut gut, zu wissen das doch jemand da ist… Das Offline ist nicht das Problem (ist zwar schmerzhaft aber nur schmerzhaft) Das Problem sind die ganz Offline Logs dass ich dort eingesammelt habe, und da weiß ich nicht mehr welche und wo ich schon war…Ich habe natürlich Ahnung aber ob der oder der andere geloggt habe weiß ich jetzt nicht. PROBLEM mit Owner will ich auch nicht, aber “nicht loggen” ist auch kein Lösung. Der Gedanke zu löschen und (neue) installieren hatte ich schon, aber ich verliere auch mein Offline Logs. Wie gesagt, die Liste ist so schlimm wie die Logs… Danke für die schnell Antwort Auch wenn es kein grosse Hilfe ist…Aber ich hoffe immer noch auf ein andere Lösung…wenn Sie mir sagen es gibt kein andere Lösung, dann ist das so… Und ich mache wie Sie sagen…Aber warum kann ich (auch wenn Sie nicht zuständig sind, aber vielleicht haben Sie davon gehört) die Wherigos nicht spielen? Danke im Voraus „ Es war hier ein Kopie von Mail dass ich gerade geschickt habe. Um die Frage zu beantworten: ja Cachly stürtzt ab. Kein Möglichkeit ins das Programm… Ich warte noch ein paar Tage (hoffe ein Lösungsvorschlag). Vielleicht gibt’s ein Lösung. Und dann kommt die nächste Frage, muss ich neue Karte bezahlen? Danke im Voraus
  4. Was genau funktioniert nicht? Stürzt Cachly ab, wenn Sie es zum ersten Mal laden?
  5. I would need some more details. Do you have the GC code?
  6. Earlier
  7. Hello, I am creating some new geocaches and I tried to write mathematical expression with TeX. It looks nice while on the computer but when I open the cache in Cachly it seem like Cachly having problem to show the expressions properly. It looks like some HTML is still left in the cache description, see picture. I am wondering if this is something that is planned to be fixed or if this only seem to be a problem for me? Thanks for a great geocaching app!
  8. Thanks. Fixed it. Old eyes need the extra help. But the fix is in and working. Thx.
  9. I run at a larger size too but maybe 1 less then you, and most things fit fine. If you go to your iPhone (not Cachly) Settings and pull down to search and then enter in Text Size, I run at the setting all the way on the right. That is the largest setting on that screen. if you had gone into the "disabiities" settings and enabled large text there, that would put my text size in the middle of the possible sizes. I suspect that is what your settings are currently enabled. I have no idea if adjusting it down a bit would still be usable for you, even if just while you are using Cachly. Here are some screen shots that show what I referenced above: Cachly log screen with my settings: This is the Text Size setting screen and I have it set all the way to the right: This is the screen after enabling Larger Text in the disabilities option. It puts what was the largest setting in the screen above now in the middle of how large the text could be:
  10. This is something that I hope to add in a future version.
  11. Your iOS text size setting controls this, but I can do some adjustments to help with this. Will work to fix in next version.
  12. Anyone else having trouble with the date and time function. The type is too big to fit in the allotted area. I looked at someone else’s cachly app and theirs is fine. Is there a way to correct this. It functions OK just is annoying.
  13. I would love to see the possibility to use Cachly without the phone. Just de apple watch (cellular)
  14. I am exploring this idea and will get this added soon.
  15. Are you logged into iCloud and have allowed Cachly to use iCloud?
  16. I would prefer to see the geocaching icons displayed on the live view over the color coded teardrops. If we could have an option to toggle that in settings, that would be great.
  17. Thanks Nic, that does exactly what I want, the ability to mix and match templates! Bravo Chris
  18. You can create as many templates as you want and insert them into your message by tapping the … button and choosing inset text template. Does this help?
  19. Thanks for the report. I will try to get this resolved as soon as possible.
  20. Hey since I some time I’m not able anymore of saving pictures in mij iCloud using personal notes in a cache. I get always an error. i see the folder in my iCloud but it is not linked anymore. I tried different things but there is also not an option for choosing a new folder or location. I reinstalled the app also. what can I do? thanks in advance
  21. The ability to have multiple templates for the same log type. An example for "Found" there could be a default "hi I found your cache" type, a "I found your cache when I was out with these people", a "I found your cache on my way to an event" etc.. When logging, if there are pre-prepared templates, long pressing on the message field will open a pull down of previously prepared templates. Currently you need to go to settings, templates then tap on the one you want, return to log cache and go from there. Just a thought. If it can already be done, I am sorry that I haven't discovered how and am willing to learn.
  22. Just bumping this as it is still seriously on my wishlist . v8 has brought the GC code and cache name - I'd happily forgo that info for the hint!
  23. Further to this (which is still unresolved): if I edit a draft, attach a photo and submit, the log is submitted but the photo is not. The screen stays on the edit draft page. I then have to delete the draft (as it has already been submitted) and go into logs to add the image. I have had this happen a couple of times.
  24. That is good to hear. I do think you are right about memory. I will do some more testing with one of my older test phones.
  25. Hi Nic, Thank you for looking into my issue with the “my finds” file. i decided to upgrade to an iPhone 14 and everything is working fine. Not the solution I was hoping for, but it’s what needed to be done. I’m happy to have Cachly back working 100%…! Thanks again… Carl
  26. Cachly 8 introduced a long press on the map filter to quickly enable/disable the filters. Would be cool/consistent to have this for the log filtering as well.
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