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Posts posted by rragan

  1. I'm not certain but I think the limit was 100 bookmark lists. It also used to be the case that the number of caches in a bookmark list was limited to 500. That may have been increased to 1000 to be in concert with PQ size limit. It seems like one would end up with unexpected behaviors if Cachly's unlimited lists were mapped to limited GC bookmark lists. 

  2. Geocaching.com limits the number of bookmark lists. Offline lists are not limited. Bookmark lists could not store all the content an offline list can. If you upload your offline lists to Dropbox periodically, you can get to them in lots of ways. 

    It would be cool if Cachly could auto upload a changed offline list to Dropbox periodically but that would just be a nicety. 

  3. If it is on multiple lists, it will still be in the DB. Geosphere would show Remove as the action if it were part of some other list and Delete if it truly was gone. This was handy knowledge.

    A GS search for a cache by gccode when online or offline would first consult the whole DB and see if it was local and return that result if found. Thus a deleted cache in an offline list could often be recovered. I'm hoping that once you have the full DB searchable, conveniences like these are offered. 

  4. Geosphere Set As Target (target concept described in a different thread) mostly does this. The only difference from what you describe is that pressing the action on the description page triggers Navigation and vice-versa navigating sets it as target. I'd rather it just set it as target but did not immediately navigate. 

    Once the target is set, it is colored red in Map view even if you switch lists to one not containing it or go to Live view

  5. I'm guessing about how it has done but if I make a log in Geosphere, it keeps my log text in the DB and shows it along with all the other cache info. Later I can quickly see my log without scrolling back through all the subsequent logs. If there have been a lot of logs, even scrolling back might not reveal it. Very handy. 

  6. It took renting a car in England which had license plate GC17HSJ to spot this one. Given that license plate, I really had to look it up.  http://coords.info returned an answer but Cachly said no such cache. I finally spotted the difference. coord.info/GC17HSJ is being mapped to GC17H5J since S is one of L O U I S letters not used in GC codes. I wonder if Cachly should make a similar mapping? A minor issue but might help with transcription errors. 

  7. I sometimes use Logs when someone asks me about a cache and I know I found it recently. Then I can pop up it up and refresh my memory about it. Lack of cache title makes it harder to spot it though. There are other ways to find it but it is sometimes faster to scroll back in logs than type in the GC code. 

  8. Averaging in Geosphere never gave me any number but the original one displayed no matter how many samples. If I walked away and came back it would change some. Averaging multiple samples taken between walk away and come back might be better. It's almost like once the phone has coords and you are not moving it never bothers to try and see if they have changed. Unlike a GPSr. 

  9. There are two changes that might help this. One is to allow user-defined caches which are really richer locations and could belong to an offline list. This would get it on your offline map. I asked Nic to put such a feature on the list  

    The other is a different approach which I would find useful  Geosphere has the concept of Target which is the last Cache you navigated to or explicitly set as target. Even if you switch offline lists the target cache is visible in the map of that list. You can also shift the map to show the target much as you show current position. Presumably, this could work with locations too  



  10. I listened to a Podcast about Geooh Live, an Android app. While Android users may have Cachly-envy, the reverse is also true. Here are Geooh features I'd love to see in Cachly. 

    • Google Street View integration
    • KML and GeoJSON overlays on maps (provides DeLorme), county boundaries. User would download and specify overlays to use
    • Optional sounds to play for logging a Found and DNF. Just a fun thing
    • Integrated Wherigo player (low priority)
    • Show optimized cache visit route for a list of caches. Done by reaching out to Google for the heavy lifting
    • Named filter lists that can be saved and reused
    • Nearby cache notifications
    • See Cachly Friends logs on a cache. This would be limited to the logs the API allows access to or is offline but could still be very handy 
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