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Everything posted by ChrisDen

  1. Had a look at the changed order. Looks like it is a date issue. Some logs have had the date changed to the previous day. Edited.
  2. Timezone UTC +2. How do I send debug data? Just noticed the date had changed to the previous day.
  3. I found 7 caches on one day. They appeared in chronological order in the Logs Tab. When I edited the top one it dropped down and appeared as the first for that day. I assume this is something happening on geocaching.com. Maybe the time of the log changes when you edit it. I edited a few more but the movement of the log (the order) is not consistent.
  4. Wiki updated @rragan - please check as it was done at 1am. Insomnia
  5. Any idea why the inconsistencies in the font in mobile view?
  6. ChrisDen

    Nearly Done?

    I am monitoring the FB page and this site to see if there are questions that cannot be answered with a link to the wiki. If not it could indicate an edit is appropriate. Also I am thinking of adding new functions that are in the beta as remarks. This means when the next version is released a quick edit will mean the wiki is up to date.
  7. For interest I logged 2 caches this morning. 1 before 12:00 UTC and 1 after. Only received the points for the 1 with the time after 12:00
  8. Could be. I suppose the question is "Does cachly send the time or only dates via the API? Not to concerned as it is probably a geocaching problem
  9. We went caching this morning and saved our logs. We waited until after 12:00 UTC and then started submitting them. We have received no points for those caches but did receive points for te TBs dropped. I wonder if the Cachly date and time (before 12:00) would be recognized by geocaching.com and they would record as submitted before 12:00 UTC. From what I see Cachly is the only app that handles the date properly I suppose I wait and see till they have sorted out their little embarrassment.
  10. ChrisDen

    Wiki reorganized

    I have spent a few hours creating all the missing pages and adding where appropriate. I feel that we have reached that stage where the comment on the main page "This is very much a work in progress..." can be deleted so I have done so. @rragan We just need to sort out the queries at the bottom of http://www.cach.ly/help/index.php/Offline_Usage and then I think we are at the stage of starting to neaten it up and add to the FAQs. I have added the version number to the main page. When the next version is released we will have to make sure that we capture all the changes without missing any and also change the version number on that page.
  11. ChrisDen


    Is there a way to enter text that will not display on the wiki. I am editing an area where there is new functionality in the beta version and would like to add that text as a remark so when the next version is issued it will be simple to remove the remark indicator.
  12. ChrisDen


    Tisoblackstar is the table option {| ! Caption1 ! Caption 2 |- |[[File:image1.png|250px]] |[[File:image2.png|border|250px]] |}
  13. ChrisDen


    Blocked all the users as well but I should just have deleted them
  14. ChrisDen


    The spammers have found the site. Looks like Nic will have to approve new editors to stop them. I have deleted the spam pages
  15. ChrisDen


    There are a number of places where there are two images side by side. How does on put a caption above or below each one? I have tried the ... text text text [[File:example.jpg|border|caption]] text text text ... as per https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images but it did not work. I have done it successfully with a table but the mediawiki discourages tables.
  16. ChrisDen

    Wiki reorganized

    I have been adding internal and external (geocaching.com) links to a number of pages to assist with navigation.
  17. ChrisDen

    Wiki reorganized

    Well done. Looks great. Much easier to nivigate I have sorted out all the orphaned pages wxcept this one - http://www.cach.ly/help/index.php/Navigating_Around_the_App I think it can be deleted as it has now been superceded by the new Main page - Happy for me to delete (including the image)
  18. I won't edit your masterpiece but here are some minor comments A mention of basic membership limiting you to D1.5T1.5 and lower?? I would consider taking the limitations of basic membership to another page where it can be done in more detail. Should the two login screens not be next to each other?
  19. Awesome rragan - could not have set ii out better. I am in a sort of hiatus at the moment. Not sure if I want to continue adding until the new structure is up.
  20. ChrisDen


    I think we can start populating the Structure Page with links we already have. That way you can copy it across to the main page in due course
  21. ChrisDen


    To activate 3D Touch is Press?
  22. ChrisDen


    I like that but I think Nic must give us direction as it is important that the feel of the Wiki reflects what Nic wants to present to the users, current or new
  23. ChrisDen

    Edit Logs

    My suggestion above will achieve the same result as a draft. All that is different is that you will have to go to geocaching.com to do your final edits and submission. I never use the drafts facility so I do not know how it handles trackables logs and images that will go with your draft cache log to geocahing.com My preference is to do as much as I can in Cachly
  24. ChrisDen

    Edit Logs

    From a practical point if view it might be better to save you logs while out caching and when you get home go to the list in Pending Logs and look at each log again before submitting. I find that useful as I find I want to edit the message on a few caches, add some pictures and let my TBS visit a cache or two once I get home and have more time to consider the logs
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