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Nic Hubbard

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Posts posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. 1 hour ago, Bolling said:

    I'm more than willing to test. 

    If you are not already on our beta testing list (I don't always know everyone's names, just emails) then please contact support through Cachly so that we can set you up. Thanks!

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bolling said:

    After further investigation this problem is very repeatable. It also occurs when sorting Live cache data by distance, not just offline cache data. 

    This has been fixed in the 2.0.1 beta.  Would you want to test it?

  3. 1 minute ago, Sailaboat said:

    iPhone 5s (Cachly seems to think it's iPhone6,1)

    iPhone6,1 is correct. That is how Apple internally labels the iPhone 5s. It doesn't mean it thinks you have an iPhone 6. :)

    2 minutes ago, Sailaboat said:

    It imported relatively quickly.  However, processing the images took well over 10 minutes.

    The good news, even though it took quite some time, it didn't crash.

    Are the images, imported "net new" with each GPX file processed, or is there a delta mechanism, to import only new images?



    Let me know if you want the GPX file, zipped & sent to support.

    Images are imported new each time you import a GPX file. There is no mechanism to check for duplicates since you are creating a new offline list each time you import.

    Yes, please send the GPX to support. Thanks.

  4. 21 minutes ago, AnyMules said:

    I had a similar issue with the new V2 version.  Importing a 43Mb GPX file from Dropbox (7606 caches) of all the caches within 100Km of my home location.

    I can import the GPX fine if I don't try to get the images, but with the "Save Images" selected, it starts the import, it gets to image 440ish of around 3400 and the app completely crashes..

    Can you send me the GPX file?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Team DEMP said:

    This is mine as well. Downloading an entire US state is quick/small.  Even when using the app and having a strong/fast cellular connection, loading the offline maps is much quicker/snappier then Google maps. 

    Glad you are liking that feature! That particular feature took the most time of any feature in the 2.0 update. :)

  6. Images don't currently download for PQ's. However this will be added in 2.0.1 which we are hoping to submit the Apple this week.

    The option will be on by default, but can be turned off in Settings for those users that do not have much space.

    We are also adding two new Offline List options to delete cache images from a list, and to re-download images for a list.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Bolling said:

    I'd say it's too soon to say if it "always" happens. I downloaded on wifi on both devices and was connected to wifi when using. Note though that the problem was only noticed with offline data. 

    Thanks. I will look into this report right away and get it fixed. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Tin999 said:

    One thing I want is a color of temporarily disabled caches which are currently green same as other caches. I think it will be better if their color is a different color other than green. Then they can be distinguishable on the map. 

    This isn't currently possible. However, disabled caches should have an X inside of them. Are you seeing this?

  9. 1 hour ago, Kelsoboom said:

    I encountered something yesterday in Cachly 1.1.7 on IOS 10.1.1 that might be a bug.  I was finding a cache that I had previously downloaded through a pocket query and which had four auxiliary waypoints as a part of its listing.  These were all accessible on Cachly through the Waypoints menu.  However during the process of finding the cache, I decided to save another waypoint of my own through the Add User Waypoint option.  After doing that, all the original 4 waypoints disappeared from the list and only the newly created one was visible.  The list heading still said there were 5 waypoints, and those waypoints still appeared on the navigation map, but the list only gave access to the one.  I was able to recreate this behavior again when I got home.

    Thanks for reporting this. 2.0 will be released tomorrow morning (8am Pacific Time) and adds tons of new features and fixes hundreds of issues. It is likely this has already been fixed, but after you upgrade to 2.0 please let me know if you are still experiencing this. (Make sure to download the PQ since in 2.0 they download in a different way with MUCH more cache data.)

  10. 4 hours ago, Bolling said:

    I'm a longtime Geosphere user as well. I agree it can drain the battery quickly unless the GPS turned off. One big difference between Geosphere and Cahly though appears to be in the device Privacy Settings. Cachly has the "while using app" option under location services. Geosphere has "always".

    Yes, Geosphere has access to accessing your location even when you have left the app, so it could be using GPS and battery while you are not actively in the app. 

    Cachly doesn't do this, and only uses GPS while the app is active.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Bunkshyde said:

    As it's summer now Downunder (well almost!), I should get a chance to test all this someday soon. I'm looking forward to using Cachly in earnest as it seems to be much more accurate with its compass. After that I will also report back on battery usage having followed Nic's instructions (and those of my fellow Kiwi "barefoorguru").

    One thing you can do to give you a hint as to which apps are using GPS is to go to your iOS Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services. You will see the location icon next to apps that have recently used your location.

    Cachly 2.0 will be out on December 5th, so make sure to update!

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