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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Bookmark lists are shown in the order that they come from the API, which I am not exactly sure what order that is. I think just having them in ABC order would be best, giving sort options for this might be an overkill.
  2. I can reproduce this. Will get it fixed in the next version. Thanks for reporting!
  3. This is a feature that we worked to develop about 6 months ago, but realized that the API just wasn't suited to do this. Here is why: Official Geocaching app uses private API to load up to 500 caches at a time to fill the map, we can only request 50 API is limited to 30 requests per 60 seconds. If you have already used up some of these requests (submitting logs, other map requests, etc) you will have fewer than 30. Users are limited to 10,000 "lite" caches per day which is what is loaded on the map. This limit could be hit and then users could no longer load caches. Moving the map quickly would use up many requests, even if we only called the API when you stopped moving the map. The user experience suffered because you would use up all allowed requests and get an error, then have to wait until 60 seconds was up. I am willing to revisit this in the future, but at the time when developing this feature it just didn't work very well because of the API limitations.
  4. Glad to hear it was a good experience! Let me know if you have any other questions.
  5. Yes, just go to a cache and write the cache note. That is all, we will upload it automatically.
  6. The Pending Log itself doesn't have anything to do with Personal Cache Notes as they are not uploaded at the same time. However you can swipe the pending log row and choose options, then choose View Cache. From there you can add a Cache Note. You can also add them offline and it will upload them later for you. Does this help?
  7. This is still something we are working on, hopefully it can be fixed in 2.1. There is always room for improvement in the UI and we will be sure to look into this issue and how we can address this concern. Making text larger in Cachly based on your iOS settings is harder though and it causes issues with the user interface and how things are designed and laid out. We are working on it. Go to the More tab then to Settings. You will see a section called "Log Defaults". This is where you can set the various defaults. Glad you are liking it!
  8. Sadly there isn't a way to move saved lists from the Classic app to Cachly. Reason being, there is no provided way in the Classic app to export those lists since they are local to that app. It also does not appear that the Classic app uploads waypoints to geocaching.com. If it had, those would be able to sync back to Cachly. Not sure why they didn't do this...
  9. Yes, in 2.1 this issue should be solved as performance and memory problems for massive GPX files are being addressed.
  10. Not sure what you mean. Can you explain this a bit more?
  11. Thanks, will look into it and get it fixed.
  12. Strange. The text comparison sets strings to lowercase for matching so this shouldn't be an issue, but I will look into what is going on. Do you have a GC code I can test?
  13. Yes, this wouldn't be hard at all. iOS has a UI for choosing different rows.
  14. This is something that will be fixed in 2.1. Stay tuned!
  15. There currently is a memory limit that is based on the device you are using. Trying to load thousands of caches will consume a large amount of memory and will likely crash. This is something we are focusing on in 2.1 and the issue should be fixed at that time.
  16. We appreciate your input!
  17. That sounds like a great feature. Will get this added to our Feature List.
  18. This is possible in Cachly. You will need to tap the Log this Cache button and when presented with the log screen, toggle the top option so that you can save the log instead of logging it. If logging/saving a Found It log you will see a checkmark on that cache, if it is a DNF you will see a blue frown face.
  19. I have seen this happen periodically, but it should not always be happing (I get it maybe 1 in 100 times). So far I have never found the source of the issue, but I do have it on my bug list.
  20. Airdrop is a Bluetooth technology. I think that @rragan means he is using the share option, which just shares the GPX between apps.
  21. This is something that I have on my list and know it is a small limitation. Hoping to get it added in 2.1.
  22. Yes, as @Bolling suspected, this information is not in the API. I had really wanted to add this about 3 months ago, but I made sure to look really close in the data that is returned and sadly Groundspeak doesn't provide this.
  23. Some areas don't have the higher resolution Flyover maps, so if you are checking in a rural area you might not see them.
  24. The reason we don't support landscape is that it imposes additional UI layout challenges. I do realize there are advantages to having landscape, so it is something we are looking into as well as improved iPad support.
  25. Description, Hint, Logs and Attributes are not something that is part of Lite data from the geocaching.com API. So if you had previously had that info, from an PQ, GPX or saving from the Live tab that info would get overwritten if you are Updating Caches with lite info. In the future we will work to better merge the info so Full info wouldn't get overwritten.
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