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Two Issues

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-Sorry, I'd put these as different topics, but the timeout to post again is too long ;)


Can't view encrypted logs

The unencrypted part (between the [ ]) is completely missing, and the encrypted part can't be decrypted. 

Both of the geocaching apps (free and $10) just show the whole thing unencrypted.  Either that, or clicking the text decrypting the log would be great!


Location centering button zooms out

If you're zoomed all the way in on the map (navigating to a cache, or the whole map), hitting the 'my location' button at the bottom right corner of the map zooms you out.



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Can't view encrypted logs

The unencrypted part (between the [ ]) is completely missing, and the encrypted part can't be decrypted. 

Both of the geocaching apps (free and $10) just show the whole thing unencrypted.  Either that, or clicking the text decrypting the log would be great!



Hmm, that is strange. When I built that feature it worked correctly. And tapping the log would unencrypted it. What is the cache code for the one in question?


Location centering button zooms out

If you're zoomed all the way in on the map (navigating to a cache, or the whole map), hitting the 'my location' button at the bottom right corner of the map zooms you out.


How far is it zooming out for you? In testing it brings me back to my current location and just zooms out a little.

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