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Different colour highlights



When planning a big trip, I would like to be able to highlight using different colours, for example, blue for oldies, pink for D/T combos, yellow for high favourite points, red for qualified challenges, etc.

I'd be happy for them all to show up in the same filter {Highlighted: Yes} as the colour would quickly enable me to establish why I had highlighted them.

In geosphere I used to create different groups for different priority caches (as per the highlight examples above) and then combine them (or not) when I was in the field. Different colour highlights would enable me to create one group with all the caches within it and be able to pick out my priorities along the way, without missing any opportunistic non-priority finds along the way.

It would really help me with planning big trips with lots of competing caches!

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A second thought. You could put the words Orange, Pink or maybe HighFave, Oldie,... in your Cache Note and filter on text contains to get just a subset visible. Granted, it does not give you the "at-a-glance" view of several types at once on the map. 

A different approach once the map can show different lists at once would be to add a highlight color at the list level that applied to any cache in Map View from that list. 

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Thank you for the work around suggestions rragan. I will use the cache note on some of the big PQs I am working with for my next trip. But I'd still like the highlights for 'at a glance reference' for my caches along a route PQs when I'm doing a roadtrip without a copilot.

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26 minutes ago, RubyShoos said:

Thank you for the work around suggestions rragan. I will use the cache note on some of the big PQs I am working with for my next trip. But I'd still like the highlights for 'at a glance reference' for my caches along a route PQs when I'm doing a roadtrip without a copilot.

Amen. I've got a long road trip sandwiched around the Giga and a ton of planning is going into doing most of it solo.

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