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Found 6 results

  1. Some multi-caches contain many waypoints spread over a large area or long distance. These waypoints usually cannot all be visited on the same day. I'm looking for a way to mark these waypoints on the map as "done" so I can see at a glance which ones I still need to visit. This function would also be very practical if you have an offline list with several multis in which the waypoints partially overlap. In this offline list you would see all the waypoints of all multis at a glance on the map and those that have already been visited would be marked. I’ve already asked this question in the official Geocaching forum. The official geocaching app has exactly this feature, but it lacks the offline lists and many other great features from Cachly.
  2. Hi, i found the utility for projections at waypoints. But in older caches UTM was used massively. Wouldn't it be great if a converter for different coordinate formats would be integrated in waypoints? add waypoints in different formats at the submenu (...) a new endpoint to show to coordinates in many different formats Examples: what3words (API exists: https://api.what3words.com/v2) the list of Deine-Berge.de (https://www.deine-berge.de/Rechner/Koordinaten/Dezimal/51,10) - in my opinion a great converter but i will love a app that integrates this converting functionality Kind regards, CDaxi
  3. Hi team, I have been using Cachly for two months now coming from L4C and really like the simplicity yet functionality of this app. Purchase was definitely the right decision, no doubt. What I am missing in this app comparing it to its predecessor though is the feature that when you click on a cache on the map (regardless if live or offline), it does show the waypoints of this cache as pins, dots or any other symbol. I really enjoyed this feature as it allowed me to directly choose the final coordinates for navigation from the map instead of opening the details of the cache. Of course, additional waypoints are not showing all the time as it would simply ruin the overview but only when the cache is marked. Understand though this might be an issue of visuals as the window for the cache details is quite large. Checked the previous requests but did not find anything like this yet. Is such a feature planned? Regards, Chris
  4. So I am sitting in my hotel room getting ready to head to the APE Mega and I am thinking it sure would be nice to be able to upload that .gpx to either a map or even add them as waypoints inside the APE event on Cachly. This would be a great feature to add in the future. https://labs.geocaching.com/Adventures/Details/ecb2364d-ae8a-48bf-b502-adae411b5ddb https://labs.geocaching.com/Adventures/DetailsAsGpx/ecb2364d-ae8a-48bf-b502-adae411b5ddb
  5. When I tried Cachly offline and want to enter a next waypoint for a multi, I can enter the coordinates in the 'add waypoint' screen but it did not want to save it... Anybody a clue what could go wrong? Im using the iPhone 5SE, IOS 10.2.1, Cachly 2.0.3 (4) in Dutch, therefore some wording could be wrong ;-)
  6. I can create user waypoints in the desktop iCaching app that are subsequently included in an exported gpx file. They show up on my GPSr and also on Google Earth, so I know they are attached to the file. However, when I import that gpx file into Cachly they aren't there. Furthermore, waypoints already existing on a cache page are available in Cachly when imported from a PQ, but those same waypoints disappear if I run it through iCaching first. It must have something to do with the gpx file created with iCaching.
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