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Posts posted by rragan

  1. Auto calculating the coordinates as A, B, etc are known is a hard problem if you want the formula and variable names to be discovered. https://heureca.net attempts to do this but there are a lot of multis it cannot handle. I've only ever got the web version to function and when you really want it you would be in the field. 

  2. If you manage to switch it from the app to the website, future opens always use the website. Since you don't always get the teensy font in the upper right of the app that says geocaching.com or coord.info you are frustrated. To force seeing that click a coord.info link to a cache from an email (use a new cache notification or just mail yourself such a URL). When it opens in the app, you will see coord.info in the upper right corner. Tap that and it opens on the web page and will open on the web page from then on. 

  3. Normally, app to app communication in iOS is done via custom URL provided by the app. For example, Cachly has URL protocol cachly://......

    i found a protocol for Offmaps but since Offmaps2 is a different product you would need to confirm with the developers that they support it or find out what they do support. This is what I found:

    • offmaps://?ll=[LATITUDE],[LONGITUDE]&z=[Zoom Level 3-17]&placemarker=1&placename=[WAYPOINT]
    • I expect this launches Offmaps with a waypoint using the name given at the designated coordinates. 

    You can trying building such a URL in Safari and see if it launches Offmaps2 as an initial test  

    gcbuddy seems to have a custom URL but details are sketchy.


    Their support can likely provide more info.

    Assuming you have custom URLs that do what you want, you will need to convince Cachly development to support integration with these other apps  

    In the meantime, you can easily copy the coordinates of a cache by a long press on the Coordinate text. Then you might be able to use the other apps with these coordinates by pasting them. Long press on the GC code in the title will copy it  if they want the code.


  4. Sorry it didn't work out. To the best of my knowledge Apple does not provide a way in the App Store to call out the iOS level required to support the Watch App -- only the minimum level for the App.  The Cachly wiki does call out WatchOS 4 required. It should further clarify that ios11 or greater is required to support the Watch as users do not generally know what level of WatchOS is supported by what iOS level  


  5. I thought of the seasoned cachers case but didn't want to make the checking too complex. Sometimes you are just going to hit a DNF for a case like this but I expect they will be uncommon. You still have the logs to show multiple DNFs that you could consult before heading there. 

  6. The only sad thing is that after the DNF threshold is reached, no one will go there to make the crucial "needs maintenance" to kick the CO and awaken the reviewer to start the days until archived counter. 

    Some thought is needed though regarding just DNF counts. A group of 3 may not find it on the same day. Should n DNFs on a single day count as 1? I tend to think so. I guess if Needs Maint is the status, DNF icon would not show. Does 1 find override a string of previous DNFs. I think it has to. 

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