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Posts posted by Ketil

  1. Hi Nic,

    I just tried switching the iOS language to English, and the translation functionality started working immediately. I tried to switch back and forth a few times, and the behavior is consitent: Does not work in Norwegian, does work in English. It would be interesting to see if you are able to reproduce this on your end.

    Kind regards,


  2. Hi Nic,

    Thanks for your reply. From within a cache description, i press the upper right hand side three-dot menu, then "Translate with Google". This opens up a browser window within the app, but without any input our output text (see screenshot above).



  3. Hi,

    Earlier, Cachly localized the date keywords to the locale specified in iOS. Currently, it seems to default to English regardless of the locale specified. Is there any other way to specify the date locale?

    Kind regards,


  4. Hi,

    Thanks for creating and maintaining the best Geocaching app out there! Can't wait for the 2.1 version! :)

    Similar to the UK's Ordnance Survey, Norway has an official mapping agency called Kartverket. They provide various high quality mapping services for free to end users and developers. Among them are a tile service using the Google Maps API specification, which may be integrated into apps free of charge. There is a generous restriction: Each app end user (based on IP) can only download 10 000 tiles per day.

    More details here (Google translated): https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=no&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kartverket.no%2Fdata%2FAPI-og-WMS%2F&edit-text=&act=url

    An example webapp utilizing the API, with different layers: http://www.norgeskart.no/#!?project=seeiendom&layers=1002,1014&zoom=10.896666666666663&lat=6761526.53&lon=-28642.01

    License and attribution (Google Translated)

    "Mapping free products licensed by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

    This means that the name of Kartverket shall be displayed in all contexts where the products or extracts thereof are used, such as applications, web solutions, printed products, illustrations or other, as follows: © Kartverket. It should also be linked to our websites (www.kartverket.no) where this is possible."

    If possible, it would be great to have the ability to use these high quality maps in Cachly! Norway have a vital caching community, and with 76.000 caches we are currently ranked as nation #7 worldwide. And hopefully, the ability to show the official maps would bring in a lot of new users to Cachly. :D

    Thanks again for creating the best cache app out there!

    Kind regards,


  5. Hi,

    Thanks for creating the best geocaching app out there.

    I often save finds while in the field, and then compose and submit the logs when I get home.

    What would really be a good feature for this workflow, is the ability to return to the cache listing from the pending log view.

    Today, I have to search for the cache ID to find it, which is a bit cumbersome.

    I typically do this to read through the description to get input on my log, and for mysteries I like to have a look at my cache notes to see when I solved it, etc.

    Kind regards,


  6. Hi,

    Thanks for creating the best geocaching app out there! Geocaching on the phone is finally fun again.

    After Cachly appeared on the scene, I see little reason to use my bulky GPS unit anymore. To improve positional accuracy and the battery life of my phone, I have bought a Bad Elf Bluetooth GPS unit. When connected, Bad Elf replaces iOS' internal GPS in all location based apps.

    In addition to this, Bad Elf comes with an SDK. It provides connected apps with a higher GPS update frequency and information about the satellite reception and accuracy. More information here: https://github.com/BadElf/gps-sdk/blob/master/README.md

    I do understand that you have a lot of features on the roadmap already, but just wanted to let you know about this anyway. Deep integration with Bad Elf would certainly be a nice feature addition for serious mobile first geocachers. :)

    Thanks again for maintaing the best cache app out there! Looking forward to version 2!

    Kind regards,


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