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Nic Hubbard

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Everything posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. This is something we have scheduled for an upcoming version.
  2. When you create waypoints or cache note offline they will sync back to geocaching.com at a later time when you have data. It wouldn't necessarily be instant. My advice is to stick to using Offline if that is where you are adding your notes and waypoints, that way you are sure you are using the cache with the most data. Cachly will sync that data later.
  3. Ha! Maybe they don't. I will have to check.
  4. If you don't own a trackable then the API doesn't have a way to list all of the trackables that you have found. You can look in the logs tab and find the log you created for that trackable and then tap to view it.
  5. Cachly and the API do not allow you to submit a log without a message. But you can submit a Draft with a blank message. Will fix this bug.
  6. This is on our list of features that we want to add but it isn't currently scheduled for a release. Will think about it some more...
  7. I guess we have two schools of thought on this one. During the beta process many of the beta users wanted an extra space there so they could start typing a quick message before the template. But, other users have now mentioned they don’t like this. I think I will remove the space and let users put it in their template if they choose. Thanks for the input.
  8. This is a bug that will be fixed in 3.0.2.
  9. This is inserted so that you can start typing on a new line instead of having to make a new line each time.
  10. 3.0.1 is now in the App Store, please let me know if this fixes/helps with the lags that you have experienced. I will be working to make this even faster in 3.0.2.
  11. Sorry about that. I live at 950 feet so in testing it never got much higher than that so I didn't realize the distance format was changing to miles. Will get this fixed.
  12. Hi Beth, This is a bug. I will get this fixed. Thanks for reporting it!
  13. Thanks. I have submitted a 3.0.1 update to fix these performance issues.
  14. Those 6 images are from all logs from that cache. Cachly downloads the last 30 logs when it saves the cache offline. In this case, it seems only 3 images were in the last 3 logs. What do you mean? When you saved to offline, did you save images?
  15. Yes, this is something that we are considering for an upcoming version.
  16. Do you have a lot of offline caches? I have experienced this as well, and others with a lot of offline caches (10k+) have reported this as well. I have fixed the issue and will be submitted a 3.0.1 version very soon.
  17. This is on our list of features to evaluate for a future version.
  18. And does the process complete successfully?
  19. Looks like you were able to find the post without the password. Shoot. Hope that is fixed now. Email me for the password.
  20. I would likely have to screen scrape the URL which is against the API Terms of Service.
  21. Previously Apple did not allow me to mention geocaching.com. It was some sort of rule that held back the 1.0 release of Cachly initially. I could try again, but not sure if they will allow it.
  22. I just tested this and I wasn't able to reproduce. My found caches correctly updated the non-found caches in the Offline List. How large is your list?
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