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LSbatman last won the day on December 17 2022

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  1. How should I send the file? ZIP and GPX are not allowable file types to attach to this message.
  2. In an offline list we will call TEST-1, I created several offline geocaches and assigned “giga” as the cache type. I then exported the list, stored it in files, and then imported the file into a new TEST-2 offline list. The cache type now shows a “?” in both lists as if it does not recognize the value in the field.
  3. Further testing results: The crash only seems to occur when Apple Maps is in use. Google Maps and offline maps work correctly.
  4. I have clustering selected. If I display a map of an offline list and tap on a cluster, Cachly crashes. Cachly 7.1.1(1) iOS 16.1.1 iPhone 11 Pro Max
  5. create an offline geocache with the type “Lab Cache” in new list TEST perform a GPX export of list TEST import the GPX file into new list TEST_B open either list TEST or TEST_B observe that the cache type is now a question mark instead of “lab cache” in both lists
  6. Yes! I confirmed that it is okay with a live search but wrong in the offline list. I checked two others just to make sure.
  7. I cannot say exactly when the problem started occuring because I have been manually correcting the calendar entries.
  8. Central Daylight Time. This is not an isolated problem. I have a PQ for events and I randomly checked ten, finding all had an erroneous end time. This also is not a new problem but has been around for at least a few weeks.
  9. There is a problem with Event end times. An example is GC8YQDQ. The GC webpage shows the event ends at 1:30 but Cachly shows 1:41. When you use the Cachly function “Add to Calendar”, it sends 1:41.
  10. I noticed the problem when (1) I deleted the personal cache note on several caches and then (2) visited those cache pages on the website 30 minutes later and noticed that the note was still present. Thinking I may have done something wrong, I was able to repeat the problem. That was the only reason I did an immediate update to see if the deletion was posted. After receiving your information, I tested again and waited a few minutes after the deletion and confirmed that the deletion was not posted.
  11. If a cache has a personal cache note and you delete the entire note, then update the cache, the note repopulates with the original text. It only happens if you delete the entire note and do not enter anything to replace it.
  12. When I create on offline geocache and then export it, the GPX file shows <null> for the cache type. line excerpts from GPX: <desc>Bluff Trail by , (null) (1.0/1.0)</desc> <groundspeak:type>(null)</groundspeak:type> It would be helpful if it would convey the cache type.
  13. I save several filter templates and noticed that the "Logic" AND/OR setting is not being saved. I only noticed this after getting some odd results with one of my saved filters. Is this the intended behavior?
  14. Thanks. I am using the feature to do a PAF via a message and have been editing the message as needed.
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