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Nic Hubbard

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Posts posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Hi

    I am really liking the look of Cachly which I downloaded yesterday (and if you get Ordnance Survey UK maps, will be in caching heaven) I may have missed a Q and A on this but is the only way to save offline lists via a PQ?



    Ordnance Survey maps are coming in Cachly 1.1.4. :)


    You can save an Offline List of almost anything, including caches on the Caches screen. Just tap the ... button and choose "Save Offline Lists and Maps" which will let you save the caches to an offline list.

  2. Some caches don't container descriptions. Were you looking at a cache that didn't have one? Once you tap the Basic version button, and hit ok, it will load that cache and then allow you to tap the Description row on that screen to show the cache description.


    Limited to returning Traditional caches is another geocaching.com limitation, not Cachly's. It means that as a Basic member you can only load Traditional caches. Multi's, Mystery, etc won't show up unless you know the GC code, or are a Premium member.


    Sorry about these restrictions, we are just having to follow the rules imposed by geocaching.com.

  3. Have you tried tapping the "Basic Version Loaded" button to load the full cache? Is there an error or warning that is shown?


    Yes, Cachly is still useful to basic members. But, by the very nature of how geocaching.com does their Premium memberships you will get much much more out of Cachly (and all other Geocaching apps and geocaching.com) if you are a Premium member.

  4. Thanks! This is a know bug that has been in Cachly for a while now, but so far I have been having a very very hard time replicating it. I can log trackable every which way but I cannot replicate it.


    Are you able to outline the exact steps that you took to make this happen? Thanks!

  5. This looks to be a product of the number of caches that you are trying to download maps for. When downloading just around cache radius for 1000 caches that is going to be more tiles than not downloading around caches.


    If you did start the download duplicate tiles would NOT be downloaded.


    Vector offline maps are coming, so stayed tuned for this.

  6. Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the prompt reply and will look forward to the vector maps.

    Be interested to see where you get with Ordnance Survey but I will say one thing, you get that sorted and I guarantee you WILL crack the UK market!!

    Regards, Stucuk.


    :)  Thanks!

  7. Currently MapQuest maps are the only offline map provider that we can use as their licensing allows for bulk downloads. All other map providers do not, so at this time we cannot provide Open Street or Cycle as download options.


    However, OSM vector maps will be coming to Cachly in the near future which will allow you to download entire countries and states.


    Will look more into Ordnance Survey and get back to you. Thanks!

  8. I was going to post a Feature Request, but realised this topic was exactly what I was looking for.  I'm continuing to put Cachly through its paces, and am still very impressed.


    I too usually want the 'heading follow' mode, and it is a little irritating to have to repeatedly set this mode.  It's a pity that you can't set a preferred mode, or even default to 'heading follow'.  


    I'm also having some problems with pinching. If done carefully, then fine.  However, if the map is moved just a fraction, then the little pointer reverts to white arrow at 1 o'clock (or 1:30 :) ). So quickly try and set back - then my finger keeps missing the arrow and selecting 'more' by mistake.  Grrr.


    A thought regarding the iPad Air.  If wifi-only, then no gps receiver.  Could that be a factor?


    I am looking deeper into the issue to see if it can be fixed. Thanks for letting me know!

  9. I have downloaded the app and it asks for login and password but does not allow me to set up password and login. Is there another app tied to this app. I have never done cashe before and have grandsons coming this summer. Janette@ronan.net


    Yes, you will need to create a user account on geocaching.com, they are the service and website that the entire game of Geocaching is tied to. Once you have created an account you can use Cachly to login. Hope that helps!

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