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Nic Hubbard

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Posts posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. Hello!

    I have got the same problem. I downloaded the Cachly-apps in to my iPhone 6S. (iOs 9.3.3). When I try to log in with Facebook (as always) and I give my FB-password it asks who can see my posts. I answered that my family. After that it doesn´t go forward because there is no buttons NOT NOW / OK. I have turned off my phone many times and I have canceled the Apps and loaded again. Nothing works. What is wrong?


    Can you try creating a geocaching.com account instead of using Facebook? It seems there might be some issues with geocaching.com and Facebook that is affecting Cachly.

  2. Additional question: Am I right that you cannot see personal notes in the app, only update them.


    No, you can see them. Just tap the ... button and go to "Add Cache Note". If there is already one it will say "Update Cache Note".

  3. Thanks Chris. The map callout has been redesigned and we are going to be implementing this design very soon. It will include distance, as well as favorites, trackables, etc.


    For the navigate map, I think this would make a nice Setting that could be turned on and off. Will add it to our feature list!

  4. 1) how to manage bookmarks

    2) how to search cache/personal notes

    3) Field notes are saved in the log. I expected it to be personal

    4) how to save a log as pending


    1. Unfortunately the geocaching API only allows us to add caches to a Bookmark list, but not to delete them. I hope they will add this sometime in the future so that third-party apps like Cachly can use it!


    2. This isn't currently possible. Do you mean search for only caches with personal notes?


    3. Not sure what you mean. Can you explain this?


    4. Just go to the Log this Cache screen and then turn the "Send Log Now" option off. This will allow you to save that log as a pending log.


    Hope this helps!

  5. in Australia....thought with the time/date selection option it might circumvent the GC.com issue with their 'US-centric' view on caching! haha. I also just thought it was weird the caches logged the day behind, but the TB visits didn't....


    It is weird that TB don't have the issue. I have talked with the geocaching.com developers quite a few times about this issue, but they say there isn't a fix for it. :(

  6. having this issue too. sometimes when getting out of the car, but sometimes when just walking to GZ....


    This is something we have fixed in the upcoming version of Cachly. You won't get the calibration screen anymore. :)

  7. Hi Nic

    Yes I can do it every time. The TBs we have are our own coins which we have for this year and like to visit them to every cache for mileage.

    We write up the log then just ask for all TBs to be visited. Then we send the log. It goes through the process then goes back to the log screen as if nothing has happened. Which is where previously I have made errors and when I have gone on the web site and found that I have double logged caches.


    Would it be at all possible for me to test one of two of your coins, but using the geocaching.com staging server? This is the test server we use, and nothing from it goes Live, even if I logged some visits to your tracakable. If you are interested, please contact me through the support option in the app. Thank you!

  8. I'll post here since my question also seems to involve a waypoint issue on an imported GPX. I downloaded a gpx from opencaching.us and imported via dropbox. This is a puzzle cache so I need to add the final coords myself. When I pull up waypoints it shows that there are none, but the little plus sign i need to hit to enter my own waypoint is not there, so I can't enter the final coords.


    Could you send me the GPX file so I could take a look? Email support at cach.ly. Thanks!

  9. Would it be possible to have a visit all button for trackables. At the moment I think I have to go into each one and say either visit or drop. It would be nice if it could be set to automatically visit all the trackables in my possession.



    Yes, when you are logging a cache and adding trackables, just tap the ... button on the to right of the adding trackables section, and you will be able to change the log type for all of them. 

  10. Cachly uses MapQuest tiles when downloading offline maps, but we just got the word that they will be shutting this service down on July 11. They are moving to a paid model, but we still do not know the specifics of pricing for the kind of download numbers that Cachly will require.

    What does this mean for users?
    We will work with MapQuest to see if their new paid model will work for Cachly. If not, we will move to another Open Street Map tile provider, but we would no longer be able to provide satellite maps, only Open Street Maps. We will submit an update before July 11 to address this issue.
    Will offline maps that I have downloaded continue to work?
    Yes, offline maps that have already been downloaded will continue to work since they are local on your device.
    Why not just download tiles from one of the other tile services that Cachly uses?
    All other tiles providers that Cachly uses do not allow bulk downloading of their map tiles, it is against their terms of service. If we tried, we would be blocked from using those services.
    Are there other options in the future?
    Yes, Cachly will be coming out with Open Street vector offline maps very soon. This will allow users to download full countries and states for offline use in a very small file size. This will become the new standard for offline maps in Cachly since we will control the data and not a tile map provider.
    If you have any questions reach on Twitter (@cachlyapp) or contact support through the app.
  11. Haha. no that I tried to repeat it to get the steps how it occurs, I couldn't. I bet there is something I do differently with Cachly when I am in outdoors that affects the case, because it repeats very often while caching out there, but not now back home. Well, next time I happen to see the bug, I will write down the steps to repeat it and post them here.


    Thanks, yeah I have personally replicated it while in the field, but never when at my computer, which is where I need to replicate it. I have a feeling it has to do with specific trackables that have specific attributes.

  12. Further to this topic (as I couldn't create a new one)


    I think this thread, and the one requesting consolidation of lists are both good ideas. I have only recently started using cachly and it is by far superior to the official apps.


    I'd like to see some expansion to the options available with offline lists.


        (a) The ability to set up "groups". With the ability to manually add caches, as well as import GPX files and pocket queries into these groups.


        ( B) Import gpx/PQ into said groups.


    I currently run 12 PQ that cover all caches in Western Australia. They are setup by date order so the first 11 I update every so often, and the 12th I update daily (to pick up new publishings). Each morning, I update that PQ into my existing Geocaching app. This way, I have all caches on my phone in an offline state. And can basically cache anywhere at anytime without too much prep.


    Also, It would be great to have a waypoint averaging ability and the function of manually adding a geocache to a list. This would be a great tool for placing geocaches (along with the 161m radius)


    Breht (Kyzabra)


    As for not being able to create a new topic. Did you get the email from the forums and follow the link to activate your account?


    For Cachly groups, this is what Offline Lists are for. You can create them, manually add caches to them. But, like you said importing and adding PQ's to these groups would be a great feature. I will get that added to our feature list.


    To manually add add a cache to a list, go to the cache details, then tap the ... button and choose the option to add to an offline list.

  13. Not sure if this thread has been followed up or not. I just tried importing the GCA file (in both ZIP and GPX format) via dropbox link.

    It crashed both times.


    Yes, Louise and I worked for a long time getting GCA imports working. But there is still more work to do.


    I just got your crash logs. Could you email me the files so that I can take a look?

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