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Losing Cache Note and Corrected Coordinates on bad reception


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Yesterday I was visiting an Earthcache where the mobile reception wasn't that great (lost the Signal several times). As always I saved the "answers" to the personal Cache Note. Today when I was launching geocaching.com on the PC, there was no Cache Note. When rechecking the Cachly App, the Note was gone too. (GC9BWNH)

Something similar happened with a Multi (GC2GV2R) last week (06.06.2021). I tried to enter corrected coordinates. When saving, on first try I ran into a Timeout. On the second try everything seemed fine and I could navigate to GZ. On the next day when I visited geocaching.com, I noticed that there still were the given coordinates. When checking in the Cachly App, the corrected coordinates where gone too. 

  • Cachly version number: 6.2.2
  • iOS version: 14.6
  • Device that you are using: iPhone XS
  • If you are a Regular or Premium user of geocaching.com: Premium

If needed, I can provide the crash log, although the app didn't crash.

Thank you Nic for your support and this great app.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, as always I came unprepared, as I'm used to having quiet good reception most of the time.

Of course if I expect to have bad reception, I do prepare an offline list and use it. But in this cases, I had good reception at first but then came to a point, where it was gone. And of course at that point I had to gather the information for the EC (or got the final information for the Multi so I could enter the corrected coordinates).

I guess you do wait for a response from the GC-Servers? Is there a way to "skip" the waiting for the response if it's taking longer than expected. And repeatedly retry the update (e.g. every 30s) until there's a positive API response?

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6 hours ago, Martin said:

Is there a way to "skip" the waiting for the response if it's taking longer than expected. And repeatedly retry the update (e.g. every 30s) until there's a positive API response?

Yes, there is a 60 second timeout. In this case, when this happens you can also switch your phone into Airplane mode and Cachly will know you are completely offline and not try to make a connection to the API, and will save locally until it can upload later.

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