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Everything posted by Martin

  1. Sometimes we go out and find a huge amount of caches on a day and I love the drafts feature. Is there already a possibility to filter the displayed caches and remove those having drafts (just like the "Hide my finds")? If not, can I make a feature request for a further release? Thanks for this great application
  2. Of course you are right again. I just recently changed this setting. After reenabling iCloud for Cachly everything works as expected. Thank you for your quick reply and solution.
  3. Has there been another update to the "Mark as found" feature. Because now I only have the possibility to copy coodinates and color mark a Adventure Lab Cache
  4. Okay, thank you for your support. This information is really helpful and will solve some issues in the future (as I know I'm too lacy to prepare an offline list every time I go caching). Your help is really appreciated.
  5. No, as always I came unprepared, as I'm used to having quiet good reception most of the time. Of course if I expect to have bad reception, I do prepare an offline list and use it. But in this cases, I had good reception at first but then came to a point, where it was gone. And of course at that point I had to gather the information for the EC (or got the final information for the Multi so I could enter the corrected coordinates). I guess you do wait for a response from the GC-Servers? Is there a way to "skip" the waiting for the response if it's taking longer than expected. And repeatedly retry the update (e.g. every 30s) until there's a positive API response?
  6. Yesterday I was visiting an Earthcache where the mobile reception wasn't that great (lost the Signal several times). As always I saved the "answers" to the personal Cache Note. Today when I was launching geocaching.com on the PC, there was no Cache Note. When rechecking the Cachly App, the Note was gone too. (GC9BWNH) Something similar happened with a Multi (GC2GV2R) last week (06.06.2021). I tried to enter corrected coordinates. When saving, on first try I ran into a Timeout. On the second try everything seemed fine and I could navigate to GZ. On the next day when I visited geocaching.com, I noticed that there still were the given coordinates. When checking in the Cachly App, the corrected coordinates where gone too. Cachly version number: 6.2.2 iOS version: 14.6 Device that you are using: iPhone XS If you are a Regular or Premium user of geocaching.com: Premium If needed, I can provide the crash log, although the app didn't crash. Thank you Nic for your support and this great app.
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