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Log Template Auto-Count skips numbers


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In my log template, it show how many finds I have. Even if the first number match what's in geocaching.com, it does not count correctly after, It lost count. My suggestion would be that each time you enter a new log, it goes get the latest data (Nb of Finds + Found Drafts).

Please see image and see the count. I have only used Cachly while geocaching. 

Capture d’écran, le 2020-12-25 à 14.52.26.png

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On 12/28/2020 at 4:52 PM, Nic Hubbard said:

Yes, this is how it currently works. Do you have any geocaching.com Drafts or pending logs in Cachly that would be changing the count?

Well, each logs I send from Cashly are drafts. So I add one new draft for each above. Before the trip, my drafts were empty (no pending logs). The screenshot above are the drafts created in one geocaching evening. I did not use any other website or apps to add logs. (I only have Cachly opened during the trip). However, between each caches, I sometimes use other apps (like Apple Maps or Waze to find the next cache), or just turn off my phone, or check my emails. And then I go back in Cachly to get the cache data and make a new draft log. I feel that the issue is caused by the fact that I got out of Cachly and then back in for a new log...

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  • 1 month later...

I experienced similar behavior. Yesterday I felt it could be caused by an Adventure Lab Cache we did in between as these automatically added to the number of founds, but today I again experience the number jump quickly, as if there is a loop in the count.

I do not save drafts in the Cachly app, but send direct to GC.com where they are saved as draft at GC.com.
The first find is counted properly (# of finds on GC + 1), but the second and further ones add “ghost” finds?

iPhone Xr
iOS 14.4
Cachly 6.1.11 (3) 

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