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Incorrect date/time on fieldnotes / logs for non Seattle timezones



When logs are sent to geocaching.com they get the time and date that are in Seattle.

For an example, if i log a cache (log or send a fieldnote) 2016-09-10 04:00 am it will be logged as if I found it at 2016-09-09 08:00 pm and if I log a cache at 2016-09-10 08:00 am it will be logged as if I found it at 2016-09-10 00:00 am (since I'm in Sweden and it's 8 hours difference between our and Seattles time zone).
The workaround for this is to manually add 8 hours to every log. But this is quite annoying and easy to forget. 

This is an issue for all geocaching apps out there (even Groundspeaks own apps), the only app that has this working is Geocaching with Geosphere.

It would be nice if Cachly (when the logs are sent to geocaching.com) would compare the iPhones/iPads timezone to Seattle and then automatically add the hours that differ.

When a friend and I tried to figure this out and reverse engineer Geocaching with Geosphere we have come to the conclusion that Geosphere saves the time and date that the iPhone has so if you save your fieldnotes to a GPX-file the time and dates are correct, but if you send the logs to geocaching.com it automatically adds the hours that differ.

I hope you understand what I mean, otherwise I will try to explain it better. :)

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I am very well aware of this issue, and it is something that I have wanted to correct for some time.

It seems like it should be a fairly straight forward thing to fix, you would just need to get the users current time zone and then add the difference in hours to PST. However, I am not convinced it is that easy. After 2.0 is release we will make sure to look into this issue deeper and if you are willing we would love for you to test it.

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4 hours ago, Nic Hubbard said:

I am very well aware of this issue, and it is something that I have wanted to correct for some time.

It seems like it should be a fairly straight forward thing to fix, you would just need to get the users current time zone and then add the difference in hours to PST. However, I am not convinced it is that easy. After 2.0 is release we will make sure to look into this issue deeper and if you are willing we would love for you to test it.

Of course I would love to help test and sort this out. :)

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8 hours ago, frso80 said:

It seems like Groundspeak finally have resolved this, cause now the logs gets the correct time and date (exactly the date that is in the app, I've tested it in Cachly and another geocaching-app). :)

Maybe someone more could confirm this to be working? 

I had talked to one of the geocaching.com developers about something very similar (Field Notes) and from what he said, it made it sound like it works now. And that submitting from Cachly we set the UTC time, and it will show the time in your geocaching.com account based on your time zone settings in your user account there.

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