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Everything posted by rragan

  1. rragan


    I think there is a question of audience that affects organization. New geocaching users likely want a hand holding tutorial. Folks coming from other apps or outgrowing geocaching.com want to know how you do X in Cachly. Finally, there is the reference document that covers everything about the app you might want to lookup.
  2. rragan


    I fixed all instances of toggle to switchand Title to Name. I assume Trackables have names and not titles. There were only uses of Images so nothing to fix. I left Favourite for Chris to handle.
  3. rragan

    Cache logging

    Rereading the Settings section for logging, I do think the bulk of that all belongs in a page dedicated to Logging. A minimal presence on the Settings page saying in a sentence what it does and link to the Logging page feels right to me.
  4. rragan


    Title or Name of a cache. Wiki subsection should carry this.
  5. rragan

    Cache logging

    Feel free to move the info from settings to a unified logging related page if you want. Certainly some of the stuff in settings is too detailed for where it is.
  6. rragan

    Cache icons

    I made a stab at cache pins re decorations on the icon page and Nic added more. Do we need a full enumeration or just the generic idea that they are colored like the icon for the type. Nic? I kind of like showing them all but we would need assets. Also what about waypoints? It's all related to Map View which I hope to start soon.
  7. Side effect of one space indenting giving pre tag monospaced font. Feel free to adjust. I agree it looks odd.
  8. rragan

    Cache logging

    It should link off the Cache Details page since this is where the Log action is. There is a red link to nowhere right now on that page. Note that there is a fair bit of logging related text on the Settings page: http://www.cach.ly/help/index.php/Settings The functional structure tends to bury key pages like Cache Details and Logging. That's why I added Quick Links on the home page. Always a trade off between pure reference documentation vs. tutorial style.
  9. rragan

    Cache icons

    Fixed. Thanks
  10. rragan

    Cache icons

    Check out the page and let me know if you see any errors (or just fix them) http://www.cach.ly/help/index.php/Cache_Icons
  11. rragan

    Cache icons

    I think I found two different web pages with conflicting info. One called it the 10 year icon and the other called it the GS Lost and Found Celebration which is what Groundspeak has on their statistics in the Profile page. I tend to think they have it correct.
  12. rragan

    Cache icons

    That one is different. 10 year anniversary icon
  13. rragan

    Cache icons

    Should there be 4 more: Groundspeak Block Party Groundspeak Lost and Found Celebration Locationless (Reverse) Cache Lost and Found Event Cache I know these are dead but people may have them in their found lists.
  14. rragan

    Cache icons

    Something suitable to embed singly in a wiki page and label each. So easily visible but not huge.
  15. rragan

    Cache icons

    Is there a set of images for the cache pin icons. I think it may have been in the older help text but I can't get to that now.
  16. Sure, that is how the DeepDive link in the Waypoints page gets to the Corrected Coordinates section on the How Tos page. [[How Tos#Add a corrected coordinate to a Puzzle/Unknown Cache|More on corrected coordinates]] e.g. [[Page Name#Section name on page|Link test]]
  17. The current Live Tab page has a link to [ ] and that page has a link to [[Highlight]] for how it works. My style question centers on whether to link deeper yet to pretty small sub-pages like Copy Coordinates or simply put the description inline on the List View page. I lean towards inline as the user ends up drilling down a long way to see one or two sentences. The argument against this is that multiple areas of the Wiki can link to the same content and it only needs to be update once. In the case of Corrected Coordinates in Waypoints, I put the main concepts inline but did provide a "Deep Dive" link over to the How Tos page which talks about more esoteric things related to CCs.
  18. rragan

    Quick links

    I noticed a lack of ways to get to some key pages like Cache Details from the Wiki home. I tentatively added a Quick Links section to expose key areas from the home page. Worth it? What links would be good to have?
  19. rragan

    Beta features

    I was assuming it would be internal. I guess looking at each beta changes would be one way and we wouldn't need a separate list.
  20. rragan

    Cache Entry page

    Sure. Will change it.
  21. Ah, I didn't know that existed. They must have added it when they created Friend's League.
  22. What page/URL are you thinking of linking to. An example would clarify for me.
  23. Wiki changes are moderated/reviewed by Nic. Once he is comfortable you are a good guy, he can turn moderation off. Thanks for contributing.
  24. I'd be very happy with just the following: when I choose to navigate to a cache that has no corrected coordinates but appears to have coordinates in the cache note, pop a dialog asking if I want to establish Corrected coordinates and go to them. This takes the worst of the pain away of going to the wrong place and searching.
  25. rragan

    Beta features

    We should keep a list of wiki changes required by current beta to be applied at next release. Any clever ideas how to do this?
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