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Posts posted by Ajax

  1. Hmm, OK, but if I can express my feelings, I have always filtered out T5  caches, I don't do them. And if I disable terrain filter, I can see labs, but also, I see lot of caches, which I can't grab. It would be nice if I can show labs and also, do terrain filter. I mean, why remove labs, when filter is applied? I understand, they does not have terrain rating, but if someone want to hide them, there is switch for it. So, my idea is: show them always and if someone don't want to see them, there is already button for it...

    BTW: lab stages are the best function I have ever seen! Thanks!

  2. Hello and thanks for answer.

    I'm from Czech Republic, here is example:

    aerial tile:


    label tile:


    In leaflet:

    map = L.map(canvas, options)
    layers = [
    	L.tileLayer('//mapserver.mapy.cz/bing/{z}-{x}-{y}', mapySatMapOptions),
    	L.tileLayer('//mapserver.mapy.cz/hybrid-sparse-m/{z}-{x}-{y}', mapySatMapOptions).bringToFront()
    for(i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {

    I'm surprised that I'm alone with this request. Please, consider implementing. Thanks :)

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