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Nic Hubbard

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Posts posted by Nic Hubbard

  1. I have finally figured out the issue causing this and fixed it. Was a very tricky one to find, but it came down to the file name not getting read, so the Pocket Query was unzipped incorrectly. It has been tested and fixed now, so will be out in the 1.0.4 App Store version as well as our weekly betas.

  2. Yes, I mean for regular user. Even option to open cache description/hint it in their own official paid app is breaking their API? I hate that Groundspeak! I have been premium member, but I hate the way they behave to their customers, so I am not gonna pay for premium membership again. Thank you for the answer.


    Yeah, very sorry about this change. The changes we had to make were required of us. If we can change anything back in the future we will for sure do so. Sorry about the issues that this caused for you. :(

  3. Do you mean for Regular Users?


    If so, I was asked by Groundspeak to change that functionality to enforce the 3 full caches per day for Regular Users. They were completely right in asking me to do this, as the license agreement terms for using their API clearly state that this is what is required.


    Their API was also changed to enforce this, which again, was correct in them doing so since the API terms require us to follow this.


    Unfortunately it has changed the user experience for Regular Users, so I encourage you to go to geocaching.com and upgrade to their Premium membership which will allow Cachly to work with all the features provided to Premium users.

  4. Pocket Query functionality did change in the 1.0.2 version because of some internal changes to the way that PQ's were saved in Cachly. They are now saved in an internal database rather than just saving the .gpx files and parsing them each time. This gave us a number of advantages. In doing so we split up the screens for Available and already downloaded like you mentioned.


    When a PQ is downloaded it is saved. So unless your PQ is being updated daily then you shouldn't need to download it again. If it is, each version of the PQ is saved as you have said.


    Is your workflow to download a new PQ each day because it is getting updated?

  5. All of these are great suggestions!


    - iPad version has been on our list from the beginning, and I hope we can start working on that soon.

    - GPS/Location Services can be turned off and Cachly still used. But, yes, like you mentioned having a control in Cachly to do this would be nice. Will get this added.

    - Multi-user support has been requested by others, so we will look at adding this in a future version.


    Thanks for the great suggestions, keep them coming!

  6. Hi there.


    I have tried to import a few GPX files (from Dropbox or files that were copied from another geocaching app), unfortunately app crashes everytime. I am using iPhone 5 using ios 9.2. Could you please fix it?


    Are you using the latest version of Cachly (1.0.1) from the app store? I have tested many many GPX files from various programs and they all import great. But there could always be unique situations.


    Could you email me some of the GPX files that are not working? support at cach.ly



  7. This is a known issue and was caused by an unannounced change from Groundspeak (geocaching.com) about a week ago. We had to scramble and submit a fix to Apple, and it is still waiting to be reviewed.


    We are very sorry about this issue, and would have avoided it if at all possible.


    Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I hope that it will be approved this week by Apple.

  8. Thanks Rob,


    Apple Watch has always been on the list of features to build. I had a Watch on day 1, other features took priority, but it is still going to happen soon.


    Souvenirs are a feature that I was working on just last week. So that is for sure going to be included very soon.


    Thanks for downloading Cachly! If you love it, would you mind leaving us a review on the App Store? It can really help!


    Let me know if you have any other questions.

  9. Can't view encrypted logs

    The unencrypted part (between the [ ]) is completely missing, and the encrypted part can't be decrypted. 

    Both of the geocaching apps (free and $10) just show the whole thing unencrypted.  Either that, or clicking the text decrypting the log would be great!



    Hmm, that is strange. When I built that feature it worked correctly. And tapping the log would unencrypted it. What is the cache code for the one in question?


    Location centering button zooms out

    If you're zoomed all the way in on the map (navigating to a cache, or the whole map), hitting the 'my location' button at the bottom right corner of the map zooms you out.


    How far is it zooming out for you? In testing it brings me back to my current location and just zooms out a little.

  10. When I'm viewing a friend, they have the 4 buttons.  I wish clicking the buttons opened lists of whatever it was


    More > Friends > MyFriend123 > 5757 finds  would open a list of his logs

                                                          23 hides  would open his hides on the map, or a list

                                                          50 favorites would show his list of favorites

                                                          2 trackables would show trackables


    maybe even clicking a trackable from the list would show it's history - but that's not really important to me compared to the 'show finds' thing above.


    Absolutely, this has been on the feature list for a while. Hope to get it added in the 1.0.3 version.

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