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Problems Exporting Offline List and Importing to GSAK and GPSr

Wet Coast Explorers

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I'm running into a couple of issues when exporting an offline list from Cachly v3.0.2 (4) and importing into GSAK and directly onto my GPSr.

First off, I get this GSAK warning dialog (see attached image) that says the GPX file is in an old format and does not contain any attributes.

Second, I get a ton of errors saying (see attached image):


This file contains a cache without a code/id. All caches loaded into GSAK must have a cache code/id. It looks like you are trying to import a cache that has not been approved yet. This cache will be ignored. (Error number: 104)

The GPX file exported from Cachly appears to contain attributes, but also contains a bunch of empty <wpt> tags, one for every cache. For example:

<wpt lat="48.824467" lon="-123.279915">
    <desc>Baby Back Ribs by land-air-sea, Traditional Cache (1.5/1.0)</desc>
    <urlname>Baby Back Ribs</urlname>
    <type>Geocache|Traditional Cache</type>
    <gsak:wptExtension xmlns:gsak="http://www.gsak.net/xmlv1/5">
    <groundspeak:cache xmlns:groundspeak="http://www.groundspeak.com/cache/1/0" id="227699" available="True" archived="False">
        <groundspeak:name>Baby Back Ribs</groundspeak:name>
        <groundspeak:owner id="52101">land-air-sea</groundspeak:owner>
        <groundspeak:type>Traditional Cache</groundspeak:type>
        <groundspeak:attribute id="1" inc="1">Dogs</groundspeak:attribute>
        <groundspeak:attribute id="7" inc="1">Takes less than an hour</groundspeak:attribute>
        <groundspeak:attribute id="6" inc="1">Recommended for kids</groundspeak:attribute>
        <groundspeak:attribute id="13" inc="1">Available at all times</groundspeak:attribute>
        <groundspeak:attribute id="15" inc="1">Available during winter</groundspeak:attribute>
        <groundspeak:attribute id="32" inc="1">Bicycles</groundspeak:attribute>
        <groundspeak:state>British Columbia</groundspeak:state>
        <groundspeak:short_description html="False">Nice log strewn beach to explore at lower tides.</groundspeak:short_description>
        <groundspeak:long_description html="False">This is a small bay to explore via boat or on foot. Easy access. The cache contains typical cache items!</groundspeak:long_description>
        <groundspeak:encoded_hints>At Piggot bay launch look at the large hollow log behind the beach sign that has mayne carved into it. Look inside the hollow log. Make sure the cache is covered and univiting to explore by muggles.</groundspeak:encoded_hints>
<wpt lat="48.824467" lon="-123.279915">
<wpt lat="48.775665" lon="-123.201019">
    <desc>Captain Saturna - stumped! by jackson@friends, Traditional Cache (1.5/1.5)</desc>

This would also explain why when I export and load a GPX file from Cachly directly onto my GPSr, I get waypoints on top of every cache displayed. This occasionally makes is difficult to actually select a geocache from the map view on my Oregon 450, as the waypoint is often selected first. After multiple attempts, I can usually get the cache selected. Not a show stopper, but annoying none the less.

Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 3.15.40 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 3.19.34 PM.png


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GPX export has been greatly improved in our 3.0.3 beta. It removes the issue of an empty waypoint at each cache (this was the original coordinate waypoint), cleans up a log of the code and gives you export options. 

Will look into moving to 1.0.1 and will do some testing in GSAK to see why it is showing the error about no/code ID.

Thanks for reporting!


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