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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, A few days ago I found out about Cachly and immediately wanted to get into it as the possibilities of the official app which I’ve been using are very limiting. Over the past year I became a bit of a power user, and this app seems to be able to help me a log with the things I’ve been missing and needing. Been playing around with the app a bit and trying in out in the wild, but one thing prevents me from switching. Drafts. I’ve read several posts on this forum about drafts misbehaving, but none of the posts seem to have the same /consistent/ issue as me. No matter which combination of ‘Send log now’ and ‘Save as Draft’ buttons I toggle, the draft log never shows up on geocaching.com. I’ve tried logging out of the app, restarting the phone, uninstalling the app. Nothing helped. I do currently have a bunch of drafts on GC.com sent from the official app, but the ones logged on Cachly don’t appear. I’ve tried on cellular as well as WiFi. I’m out of troubleshooting steps, the forum questions requiring this are a bit different, and the Cachly wiki seems limited for troubleshooting. Any help would be much appreciated! T0mmy Cachly version number: 6.1.16 (2) iOS version: 12.4.1 Device that you are using: iPhone Xr Premium user
  2. Hello, great job on cachly so far. Since cach.ly 5 trackables from field notes are not logged any more. I'm currently using Cachly 5 with iOS12.1.4 on iPhone 7 as Premium Member. This happens when I create a field note and add trackables. It doesn't matter if I visit a cache or drop that trackable. When the notes are uploaded the logs for that trackables are not created any more.
  3. Hi everybody, if I try to save a log draft locally on Cachly, I could not find the log in "Outstanding Geocache logs" (German Ausstehende Geocache-Logs). Is this a bug in Cachly? I tried to log out of my account and again to log in, but this made no change in this behaviour. Previously i used Looking4Cache which is not able to send drafts to geocaching.com including images. The sending of drafts with images works fine if i send the log immediately but not with local storage. Why do i want to store local drafts? Because the network on some caches is not ne best and i want to send the logs as draft to geocaching.com later on at home with wifi. The typing of more detailed logs is much easier on a laptop than a mobile device. Could anybody help me? Kind regards, CDaxi PS: Cachly on iOS (Version 4.2.1 (1))
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